Dave’s Monday Blast – February 6, 2023

I was reading a devotional recently from IN TOUCH ministries based upon (1 Corinthians 13:1 - 8). The topic was specific to forgiveness being An Act of God. We often hear that the thirteenth chapter of 1 Corinthians is the Love Chapter. But the context relates to forgiveness. Forgiving people who've wronged us is a tough command to follow. [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – January 30, 2023

For the last two weeks we have been examining the two primary worldviews that determine how we think, act, and perceive reality: Theism and Atheism. Simply stated, a Theistic worldview claims that all things begin and end with God. An Atheistic worldview denies the very existence of God. A Biblical Christian adheres to a Theistic worldview, and our [...]

What to Do for the Rest of ’22

What to do for the rest of ‘22 It’s hard to believe but nearly 60% of 2022 is behind us. Where has the time gone? "Time flies over us”, Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote, “but leaves its shadow behind." For us, the activity we produce in the context of time contributes to our legacy as grandparents. Entrepreneur, [...]

June 15 – Grace Park Update

Grace Park Update June 15, 2022   Recent Activities: Had a call with Environmental consultants and received their proposal for conducting environmental work and reports required by Placer County Planning. Ordered California Historic Resources Information System (CHRIS) maps for cultural resource site records and survey reports in Placer County within a 1/4-mile radius of the [...]

June 10 – Grace Park Update

Grace Park Update June 10, 2022   Recent Activities: Met with NID to discuss Grace Park, Placer County Planning requirements, possible septic system, along with access from Auburn Grace.   Upcoming two weeks: Meetings with Construction, Parks, and Planning.   Pray for: More opportunities to optimize project, a time to meet with Auburn Grace neighbors [...]

A Letter to the Grandkids

An open letter to the grandkids... Each of you have been on my mind. I know you are giving thought to a career and what you plan to do in life to support yourself. You’ve come to that time where you are grappling with how to support yourself and eventually your family. This is a [...]

Have You Considered Your Life Legacy?

Have You Considered Your Life Legacy? In 2020, the evangelical church was rocked with the passing of a highly respected servant. After his death it was discovered he had been living a double life of immorality, deceit and evil exploitation. An honorable Christian legacy had become compromised with gross sin. When we pass from this [...]

December 16, 2021 – A Message from our Elders

Hello Church Family, We hope this note finds you all doing well this Christmas Season. You are in our prayers. As you know, our California Health Department has issued a month long mask mandate (12/15 to 1/15). It states that all public indoor gatherings are required to mandate masks. Since the beginning of the COVID crisis, [...]

How Should We Live in 2022?

How Should We Live in 2022? $5.07 for a gallon of gas for my hybrid! No, that's not what I pay but that is the asking price. With this and moral frustrations we feel, the Bible reminds us it shouldn't surprise us in a ... "crooked and perverse generation" (C&PG). Truth is, every generation has [...]

The Weight of the Wait

A plumber rang the doorbell.  When a woman answered the door, He greeted, “Good morning, ma’am, I’m the plumber. I’ve come to fix the pipe.” “But I didn’t call a plumber.” “You didn’t? Aren’t you Mrs. Foster?”  “No, she moved away a year ago.” “How do you like that? They call a plumber, claiming it’s [...]
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Auburn, CA 95603
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