More Than Enthusiasm (Part 2)

Last month we opened a discussion about which two vital Christian virtues demonstrate our faith is more than fervor. We want to have a faith that has real substance to it. In our world today there are so many ‘causes’ and ‘passions’ and we want to be careful to not simply throw faith in Jesus into the sea of public opinion or trendy ideas.

But which Christian virtues show faith to be genuine and authentic? As I read the New Testament, and listen to people new to their walk with God, two stand head and shoulders above the rest.

The first, and foremost, virtue is that of LOVE. Jesus said in John 13:35, ‘By this all men will know you are My disciples, if you have love for one another’. Did you get that? ‘all men will know’ tells us that one of the most significant witnessing tools we have is love.

Now love is both a truth and a practice. In this instance Jesus is referring to the latter. Loving others in practical ways reveals true faith. They will know we are His disciples. Loving the unlovely; loving the unlovable; loving the outcast; loving the stranger; loving the vulnerable. Loving them in tangible ways. Jesus mentions practical ways such as visiting them, feeding them, clothing them, forgiving them, honoring them, assisting them.

People can literally see Jesus in you and me when we love one another. This act of servant hood is a virtue that marks authentic faith. The practice of loving one another demonstrates that our faith in Jesus is real! It is also the magnet which draws people to Him.

The second virtue is also found within the words of Jesus. John 14:15, ‘If you love Me, you will keep My commandments’. This is referring to the virtue of OBEDIENCE; Following Jesus with both heart and hands. Striving to walk the walk, not just talk the talk.

There seems to be this idea today that passion and enthusiasm equals obedience. Our motives are just as important as our actions. As long as I want to do the right thing, it does not really matter if I actually do the right thing. Maybe we are getting this idea from our culture. We do hear more about how intention is above action. We are hearing that life is more about our heart’s intent, than our actual physical acts.

The virtue of obeying Jesus in our actions is the second demonstration that our faith is genuine. Jesus does not state that our desire to obey Him is proof of our love. He clearly lets us know that the act of obedience is the proof in the pudding.  Our choices in life reveal our true commitment. Jesus does not look only at heart intent and lip service, He actually looks at actions.

The word obedience conjures up different ideas in our minds. Simply put, obedience implies we face hard choices in life; doing things our way or His way. Obedience, as a faith virtue, implies that when faced with this choice we choose His way. We keep His commandments. And in doing so we validate our faith.

Two virtues: Love and Obedience; Two ways to test ourselves to see if our devotion to Jesus is simple enthusiasm or the genuine stuff. Have we loved this week in a practical way? Have we faced the decision to do something our way or His way and chosen the latter? When was the last time we consciously loved in His name? When was the last time we consciously obeyed instead of give in to our way? Test yourself to see how authentic your faith really is.

Thanks to those who commented on the blog site. Please feel free to do a follow-up comment.

I love being your Pastor. See you on Sunday!

Pastor Phil

About The Author

Phil Sparling has been a Pastor at Auburn Grace since 1991. He is married and has four children and several grandchildren. He loves athletic activities including hiking and softball as well as traveling to new places. His passion in ministry is teaching the transformational word of God and leading teams of people who want to accomplish great things for the Lord.
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