Monday Morning Blast — September 22, 2014

I know that God is a good communicator. He never intends for His “plan” to be a mystery. The fact that I don’t always understand what is going on simply shows that I am not a very good listener. I also realize (not to my credit) that at times my faith is shallow. There are times when I simply can’t believe that He actually means what He says. I know…my Christian Atheism is showing again, but I also know I am not alone in this area. I think about God’s promise to Joshua found in chapter 6. The Lord had promised success to Joshua in the forthcoming conflict with Jericho. He knew the outcome of the battle because God had promised victory. As Men of Intention, we also know the outcome; God wins! Every time He wins. But as the day of combat approached, Joshua really wanted to know what the specific strategy for victory was going to be. What was he supposed to do? He was a man of action, but what he heard the Lord say must have made his jaw drop. You know the story…

Can you imagine the soldiers’ thoughts as they carried out the bizarre strategy that Joshua laid out for them? Have you ever thought God was giving you some really bad directions as you read the Word seeking clarity on some issue? Have you ever felt that prompting from the Holy Spirit while in prayer to say or do something that just does not make sense? In confusing times like these, I like the advice provided by Pastor Charles Stanley, he said it’s good to remember three requirements for benefiting from God’s instructions:

1. Faith to believe the Lord.
2. Courage to obey Him.
3. Patience to wait for His timing.

That’s good isn’t it? When God gives us clear instruction through His Word or by His Spirit,, our INTENTIONAL response shows how much we trust Him. If we truly believe Him and His promises, precise and complete obedience will follow. His victory in any area of struggle is available only to those who act upon His directions. Additionally, submitting to the Lord’s timing is also an essential part of obedience. What would have happened if the army decided to bypass God’s plans for the first six days (because it seemed just to bizarre) and skipped straight to the seventh day’s march around Jericho? I can assure you that Jericho would not have fallen. Men of Intention understand this principle all too well.

How often have you found yourself begging the Lord for guidance, yet hesitate to obey when He finally gives it? Living by faith can seem like a huge risk when His instructions make no sense or require a lengthy wait. But knowing His eternal perspective and unlimited power should strengthen our resolve to obey. And of course He has provided us with a wealth of examples from His Word affirming the wisdom of obedient faith.

About The Author

Dave Wickstrom has been the Administrative Pastor at Auburn Grace Community Church since 2012. Prior to that he worked for private Christian school education as a Teacher and Administrator for 30 years. He is married and has two children and one grandchild. He is passionate about connecting people to ministry, and encouraging believers to give their time and God given gifts to the advancement of His Kingdom.
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