Monday March 23 – Letter from Phil

Hello Church Family,

What an unusual but fruitful day yesterday was, with our first ever ‘Livestream Only’ Sunday services. We had a wonderful group of people tuning in live as well as a good group ‘chatting’. We had 212 homes tuning in for the 8:15 service and 150 for the 10:15 service. Total, that is just over 350 screens tuning in. We don’t know exactly how many people that means, but most likely (at an average of 2 people per screen) we had about 700 tuning in. How fun! Thanks to those of you who posted a picture of the family tuned in. Those were fun to see. We have included a few new ones below.

Don’t forget to check your church App, the website, or our social media accounts everyday for the latest information and some really helpful videos.

I also want to express a HUGE thanks to the team that made the livestreaming run so smoothly! Alan, Brian, Selena, Ken, Mark, Lisa, Jeremy and Brad, along with Kristin and Rachel managing the chat rooms. You all did such an incredible job.

Have a great week everybody. Stay in prayer, in the Word, love your neighbors, stay calm, and remember how the Lord cares for you, walks with you, and has equipped you to handle whatever life throws your way.

I love being your Pastor!


About The Author

3126 Olympic Way
Auburn, CA 95603
Office Hours
Monday - Thursday
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
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P.O. Box 6446
Auburn, CA 95604