Men of Intention Class: Break Through – Break Free

Thursday Nights 7:00 – 8:30 PM
10 Week Video Course


Are you exhausted from hiding your internet activity from your spouse, boss or co-workers?
Are you tired of living with the shame of sexual sin?

There are millions of men suffering in silence in their struggle with pornography, hoping to find a solution to break the bondage in their lives.

There is hope!


Pure Desire Ministries has pioneered a path to purity by helping men who struggle with sexual addiction.  Pure Desire is a biblically-based and clinically-informed ministry committed to true revival in the church through healing of the present day epidemic of sexual bondage.

To assist in this battle, Men of Intention is offering a video program called The Conquer Series: The Battle Plan for Purity. This 10-week course has proven to be an exceptional tool to help men, who are bound, with no visible way out of their struggle with sexual addition, to become, and stay sexually pure and free from bondage.

This is a free resource.

To register or for more information contact Mike at

3126 Olympic Way
Auburn, CA 95603
Office Hours
Monday - Thursday
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Give By Mail
P.O. Box 6446
Auburn, CA 95604