Dreams Fulfilled

Can a dream really come true? Can a deep longing become a reality? Does this life offer anything other than toil and disappointment? Does God really still restore, renew, and part the waters? Historically God has given people hopes and dreams and then fulfilled them. The Apostle Paul wrote that God is able to do ‘exceedingly beyond all that we can ask and think’.

But does this really happen in our day?

A woman came up to me after a service recently and shared how coming to church was a dream come true. For so long she wanted to bring her family to church, but her family wasn’t ready. Instead of forcing the issue, she simply waited on the Lord. Her husband was out jogging one Saturday morning and felt very impressed in his heart that God wanted them to go to church. He came home and stated that they needed to seek God at a worship service. This beaming wife and mother was full of gratitude for having a dream come true.

Another man is opening a new business. It’s a big deal to him. It’s something that he has wanted to do for so long. After years of planning and preparation the plot of ground is graded and the building is going up. Hope is high and a dream is coming true.

I share this to spark the flame of dreaming big. It’s so easy to get caught up in the shoulda, coulda, woulda syndrome. This is where we look backward and say, “I should have done such and such, then I could have done such and such, then this would have happened.”  Instead, let’s look forward and dream big. God is the God of BIG! He CAN do the impossible. He HAS done the impossible.

As we pray and seek the fruition of the dreams He has placed in our heart, let me remind you of HOW He usually fulfills our desires.  As I look in the Bible I see three common threads of fulfilled dreams. First, there is clarity. There is conciseness.  People who get their dreams granted are those who know what their dreams are. Secondly, God loves to grant the dreams of the righteous. The condition of our hearts, the motives of our minds, and the lifestyle we live has much to do with having our dreams fulfilled. Lastly, rarely does God fulfill a dream apart from connection with other people. God loves to partner with people and then asks us to partner with Him.

So what are your dreams today? Go boldly to God and ask. Be clear and concise. Be righteous and have pure motives. Be willing to partner with those God brings your way. And before you know it your dream will come true. You will be standing in awe of what God has done.

I love being your pastor,

Pastor Phil

About The Author

Phil Sparling has been a Pastor at Auburn Grace since 1991. He is married and has four children and several grandchildren. He loves athletic activities including hiking and softball as well as traveling to new places. His passion in ministry is teaching the transformational word of God and leading teams of people who want to accomplish great things for the Lord.
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