Dave’s Monday Blast – September 9, 2024

It is a lovely day in Tennessee. I have been enjoying a cup of coffee and watching about a dozen hummingbirds that have discovered our front porch feeders. They are incredible creatures, playful, without fear of our presence, and were certainly designed to thrive within their community. As I was observing the antics of these little critters, I was reminded of one specific aspect of our recent Ministry Fair:  An encouragement to engage in a Life Group.

We see the reality of, and the value of, community throughout the Kingdom of God. Whether birds of flight, sea creatures or land animals, all exist within some version of community. Human kind of course is no different. As vessels created in the Image of God we observe throughout Scripture the communal relationship that exists within the Trinity (Father-Son-Holy Spirit), and we are admonished to pattern our lives in such a manner.

Throughout the Scriptures we discover like-minded followers of Jesus gathering on a regular basis for bible study, discipleship, building community, serving others and one another. Some examples for you to investigate and meditate upon include:

Noah had a group of 7 on the Ark
Moses appointed godly leaders to help him administrate
Daniel had his small group of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego
King David had his group of “mighty men”

Jesus launched His earthly ministry by starting a small group of 12

Next week we will break down three simple aspects of what a life group is, what it does, and why you will want to plug in to one this ministry season.

About The Author

3126 Olympic Way
Auburn, CA 95603
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Monday - Thursday
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
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