Most would agree that we live in a dark world at a dark time in human history; however, we also live during a time in history when the greatest source of light available to humankind is readily available. Matthew 4:16 says: “The people dwelling in darkness have seen a great light, and for those dwelling in the region and shadow of death, on them a light has dawned.”  Scripture informs us that we “no longer need to live in darkness…” (John 8:12). The implication is simply that before the availability of light, humankind was lost in darkness with no way to access a source of light. But God provided the light in the personage of His son. (I love that phrase “but God”. It would make a great study for you to do and let me know what you find)

We shared last week that to live in darkness today is ultimately a choice. All of humankind is free to choose to live in the light God has provided or to continue to live in darkness. It is interesting to note that the first spoken words from the creator are found early in the creation account (Genesis 1:1 – 5) “let there be light…” and suddenly darkness fled. Light was declared by the Creator affirming the notion that darkness was not the intended permanent condition for all of creation to endure.

Men of INTENTION know that Satan wants to keep us in the dark. His deeds and all those who commit them do so in the dark. “Men love darkness rather than light as their deeds are evil” (John 3:19).  It is light that exposes these evil deeds. We must choose to live in the light. We must choose to use light to dispel darkness. One tool that the Lord has provided for us to keep looking to and living in the light is His Word.

Let’s take just a moment to unpack Philippians 4:8.

“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the Apostle Paul was simply saying to us that “at the end of the day” (finally), if we want to walk in the light we must allow the Lord to train us to set our eyes upon that which will fill us with more of Him.

We train our minds to do this by ONLY dwelling upon those things that are true (The Word), by dwelling upon whatever brings honor to Him (Obedience to the Word),  by (Acting Justly) in all interactions, by living above reproach (Commendable), by doing everything to bring Him Glory (Excellence), by living your life in such a way that it is offers praise to Him (He is Worthy), and by spending your days (Thinking about doing these things with your life).

Note the focus is entirely upon Him. Remember what Rick Warren taught so many of us: It is not about you!