Dave’s Monday Blast – September 2, 2024

Happy Labor Day. I trust you will take advantage of this day and rest. Perhaps you are concluding a nice long weekend. In 1894 President Grover Cleveland signed into law a day to celebrate all those who work for a living. God created us to work, to cultivate “the garden” and when we do we make a better life for our families and by way of extension, better communities. All of this can bring Glory to God as it is a part of our design as we are made in His Image.

Like EVERYTHING else…Labor Day must be considered through a Worldview lense. Men of INTENTION know, just like the men from the Tribe of Issachar (1 Chronicles 12:32) we understand the times in which we live and know exactly how to live so that our God is honored and glorified. We do this by placing all thoughts and actions into the Word of God sieve. It is our filter.

To that end, here are the last few reasons why we can be 100% confident that our faith is not in vain. The work that we put in to maturing our Worldview gives us the tools required to speak truth into this world. Refer back two weeks prior to the top of the list, but remember that you can access this discussion from Christian Ministries International.

5. 2 Timothy 3:16 declares: “All Scripture is God-breathed” (theopneustos in the Greek). What does this mean? In 2 Peter 1:20 & 21 we are told, “Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation of things. For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God so they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.”

6. God used average, fallible, sinful human beings to convey His exact words and message to the world. Though each author of Scripture had their own unique style, personality and background, all of them were inspired by the same Spirit to record God’s special revelation in the Bible.

An illustration that can help us better understand this concept is this: Just as the Holy Spirit came upon the virgin Mary, a sinful human being, to produce the perfect Son of God, Jesus, in the same way, the Holy Spirit came upon the sinful, human authors of Scripture to produce the perfect word of God, the Bible.

My friends, we are susceptible to damaging deception because our adversary, the Devil (Satan) is a “liar and the father of lies” (John 8:44) who comes to steal and kill and destroy” (John 10:10). The Word of God is the only thing that stands in the way of his lies. This is why we must have a strong apologetic so we can clearly see the lies for what they are. To this point, on day one of the DNC a mobile abortion clinic performed 25 murders on the grounds of the convention center. The talking points concerning these medical procedures (safe and effective) are part of his lies specific to that event: 1) Steal a life. 2) Murder a human being. 3) Destroy an image bearer of God designed to spend a life time bearing fruit for the Kingdom of God.

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