Dave’s Monday Blast – October 17, 2022

Well another watershed election is upon us. I don’t think it is wise to overestimate nor underestimate the ramifications of the results as I begin to analyze the issues, candidates, propositions, etc., that have been dominating our political culture for a couple of years.

I ran across this article from the Denison Forum Executive Director, Dr. Mark Thurman dated Thursday, September 22 and was compelled to share his insights for all concerned Christian voters. (You can read the entire article at the denisonforum.org) He begins with this question: “What will be the key issues in this fall’s midterm elections?”

He continues: “I am not a political pundit. However, I will confess that I pay too much attention to this sector of our world, but I am learning to see the biblical and healthy limits that government and politics play in our society. Like some pastors, I am concerned that politics has become something of a new religion for many in our culture. Politics has taken on a larger role in the minds and hearts of many Americans and many evangelical Christians.”

I strongly agree with his premise and know for certain that with each passing day my focus is firmly fixed upon the Kingdom of Heaven, not the Kingdom of Men. I still believe that it is my obligation, privilege, responsibility, and right to vote in this next election. I feel very strongly about the outcomes, but I am at peace with whatever He decides; He is firmly in control. Having said that, I believe that Dr. Turman has correctly identified the 6 critical issues that we all face during the 2022 midterm elections.

1. All things Trump. Regardless of what you think of him, Donald Trump has become a dominant figure in American politics. He is a one-of-a kind modern populist politician. Some would argue that former President Trump, once aligned with well-known Democrats, has commandeered the Republican party for his own agenda. Love him or despise him, he is in some way a part of almost every political conversation right now.

2. Election integrity. From the hanging chads of the 2000 Bush v. Gore contest to the 2020 election, America has experienced and endured big issues around the validity of our voting processes. We have and are learning that voting matters, that voting is the bedrock of our republic. If we lose confidence in the credibility of the ballot box, our form of government is in great peril.

3. Inflation and the economy. Years ago I learned the political maxim, “It’s the economy, stupid.” Most voters vote through the lens of their most recent bank statement. When fuel, food, and the roof over your head cost more, you usually speak up when you pull the voting lever.

4. Ukraine, Russian, China, etc. Foreign affairs matter more these days The covid pandemic revealed perhaps the most profound reality of globalization. We are all now much more aware and concerned about what happens in every part of the world for good and for evil. Technology and travel have made the world a neighborhood, but only Christ can make it a brotherhood.

5. The response to Roe’s overturn. This has been a landmark year at the Supreme Court. Those focused on the pro-life movement never thought this change would come. People in the pro-choice camp are reeling, and some of those feelings may emerge in various elections.

6. The resiliency of our republic. The American experiment does have the potential to fail. Many feel that America is currently headed in the wrong direction. In the long view of history, we are still considered a young country. Most experiments fail on the way to finding one that will work. We must not take life or government as we know it for granted. We must be humble, grateful, and cooperative; and not entitled, suspicious, and violent or else we’ll have no chance of longevity.

I would add one more issue to this list: The LGBTQ + movement is dominating our culture wars on equal footing as the above mentioned.

Next week Dr. Turman will share his strategies for how to encourage and equip the Church before, during, and after this election cycle. So stay tuned!

About The Author

Dave Wickstrom has been the Administrative Pastor at Auburn Grace Community Church since 2012. Prior to that he worked for private Christian school education as a Teacher and Administrator for 30 years. He is married and has two children and one grandchild. He is passionate about connecting people to ministry, and encouraging believers to give their time and God given gifts to the advancement of His Kingdom.
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