Dave’s Monday Blast – November 19, 2018

One of my favorite songs being played these days on Christian radio is by an artist named Tauren Wells. The song is entitled “Known”. It speaks to an incredible truth that our Heavenly Father knows EVERYTHING about us (Luke 8:17), BUT still loves us. Few of us desire to be fully known. Few of us want every aspect of our lives revealed. To be fully known is to be completely exposed, and that makes us feel very vulnerable. But to be fully loved…oh man…that is incredible!

Pastor Jim Denison comments upon this idea: “To live in secrecy before God, man and yourself is to live in darkness. We are made to be fully known. We are made to be open and vulnerable. It’s only in the place of living fully known that we can truly receive the depths of God’s love for us. It’s only in being fully known that we discover who we really are and the immensity of our need for God.” Our culture values perception above reality/truth, therefore we find ourselves working tirelessly to create an image of perfection in the minds of others that may require a covering-up of who we truly are. We work to build up a facade which we hope will keep us from being fully known.

The sobering truth of Scripture is that God already knows the secrets of our heart and will one day bring them out into the light whether we desire it or not (Hebrews 4:13). God knows the importance of everything being brought to light. His desire is to have an intimate, personal, and full relationship with us.

For this to be possible we must have a relationship without secrets. A line from the song referenced above says that to be fully known is a “hard truth”. Why? Because it exposes every aspect of our character to Him, but in that exposing, we see God’s “ridiculous grace” on display. Why is that grace ridiculous? Because in spite of our failings… He loves us all the more.

Denison further comments, “While God knows the secrets of our heart already, we will not receive the fullness of His love here on earth until we willingly open up to Him. God patiently waits for us to make ourselves fully known to Him, all the while beckoning us with His lovingkindness. He declares His good nature to us through Scripture, circumstances, and His Spirit, knocking on the door of our hearts that we might let Him in to love us, and set us free.”

What are you working to keep in the dark? What thoughts, motives, or wounds do you constantly try to hide? Take time this day my brothers to INTENTIONALLY open your life to God, and with His help, tear down whatever facade you’ve built up. Engage in the the process of living fully known by offering up the parts of your heart you’ve never wanted to bring to the light. Tell Him of your secrets. Make some space to reflect upon your life and re-center Him. Trust that your God is a good Father. You are already fully known and He has not rejected you. He is not ashamed of you. He simply wants to fully love you. That my friends is an example of ridiculous grace!

About The Author

Dave Wickstrom has been the Administrative Pastor at Auburn Grace Community Church since 2012. Prior to that he worked for private Christian school education as a Teacher and Administrator for 30 years. He is married and has two children and one grandchild. He is passionate about connecting people to ministry, and encouraging believers to give their time and God given gifts to the advancement of His Kingdom.

1 Comment

  • Paul Woollatt on November 20, 2018

    Love that song too. Awsome to be fully known but also scary !

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