Dave’s Monday Blast – November 12, 2018

Last week we were speaking of the value of placing God at the center of our lives. Many of us would say in response to this idea that we have God firmly established in the center of our lives. But upon reflection, do your actions, time, thoughts, and emotions truly reflect reality? You see…we spend our time with whatever we most love. We center our emotions, actions, and thoughts around whatever person or thing we most value. Our challenge is to honestly assess our center and if we find that our Heavenly Father has been pushed out we must address this idolatry. We need to bring this sin before God and ask His help in transforming us into a child centered in Him.

What horror Adam and Eve must have experienced when they immediately realized that something in their lives had drastically changed. (Genesis 3:9-10). What do you think Eve might have given for a “do-over”? She and Adam had gone from being God-centered to being Self-centered. Before sin entered in, they conversed freely with God. Now there was a barrier.

Suddenly, Adam realized that their holy covering had vanished and they were exposed. Their reaction was to attempt to cover up the consequences of their sin. The sanctity of the tabernacle in the garden had been breached. Instead of eagerly awaiting their daily conversations with God, they now waited fearfully for Him to arrive. The setting had not changed, but they had been changed. The admonition is…don’t allow sin in your life to separate you from the holiness of God. Repent and get God back into the center.

Centering our lives around anything but God will only lead us to disappointment and dissatisfaction. This world has nothing good or permanent to offer us. To center our lives around ourselves will only increase the burdens and stresses of this world. To center our lives around people will only lead to an emotional roller coaster driven by the brokenness and frailty of others. And to center our lives around an idea or concept will only store up treasure that does not last.

So my friends, INTENTIONALLY take the time today to honestly look at your heart. Allow the Holy Spirit to reveal any ways in which your life isn’t centered around meeting with God. Confess any worldly or selfish pursuits and seek to center your life around the Lord.

About The Author

Dave Wickstrom has been the Administrative Pastor at Auburn Grace Community Church since 2012. Prior to that he worked for private Christian school education as a Teacher and Administrator for 30 years. He is married and has two children and one grandchild. He is passionate about connecting people to ministry, and encouraging believers to give their time and God given gifts to the advancement of His Kingdom.
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