Dave’s Monday Blast – May 9, 2022

The Road to Emmaus. I know that Easter was a few weeks ago but I recently read an article on Luke 24 (the longest account of the Road to Emmaus). The story is really about two guys making their way to the town of Emmaus at the first of the week following the crucifixion. Emmaus is about seven miles west of Jerusalem.

I wonder what possessed them to leave town? Were their families and normal lives calling them? Were they afraid about what could happen to them? Were they putting some distance between themselves and the confusion in a similar way that Thomas apparently did? Had they witnessed too much drama and too much bloodshed at the death of Jesus when they were hoping for the opposite?

Taking a walk can sometimes bring perspective to our circumstances. As they walked, they talked about all that had transpired; as most of us would have. They were trying to make sense of everything they had seen, heard, and felt. You may be doing the same now in these days in which we live.

When we don’t recognize JesusJesus joined this journey without them realizing who He was. That’s actually alarming. Jesus can be staring us in the face and talking with us normally without us grasping His identity or His presence? He is always among us as the Lord of the Living.

Back to the storyHe stayed with them much of the afternoon talking through the events of His weekend! Then he became their teacher, bringing clarity to their confusion. We need that daily. Verse 28 says, “As they approached the village to which they were going, Jesus continued on as if he were going further” (Luke 24:28).

This brings up more questions. Where was He going? Would the two disciples ever figure out who He was in a full way? Why didn’t Jesus open their eyes and ears and tell them straight up who He was and what it all meant?

Fortunately, the two “urged him strongly, ‘Stay with us'” (Luke 24:29). They asked passionately and Jesus agreed. It begs the question my friends, is there “urgency” in our prayers?

I think Jesus must have been smiling as He followed them into their house. Just a few minutes later, they had the awesome privilege of Jesus opening their eyes, their minds, and their souls. He flipped the script and became the host of the meal instead of the unexpected guest.

Today may we ask Jesus to stay with us. To remember that you are first and foremost His follower and worshipper before you are anything else. Hopefully, you will sense as they did, your “heart burning when you do”! If not…ask Him to reignite what’s grown cold, so that you will do what our two friends did…they sprinted back to Jerusalem to the gathering of disciples to add their clarifying witness to the others that Jesus was present with them. With His presence comes PEACE.

About The Author

Dave Wickstrom has been the Administrative Pastor at Auburn Grace Community Church since 2012. Prior to that he worked for private Christian school education as a Teacher and Administrator for 30 years. He is married and has two children and one grandchild. He is passionate about connecting people to ministry, and encouraging believers to give their time and God given gifts to the advancement of His Kingdom.
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