Dave’s Monday Blast – May 2, 2016
Over the next two weeks I want to share with you the “guts” of one specific session that Josh McDowell shared at our retreat. The title of the presentation was “The 7 A’s of Relationship”. His entire presentation on this topic can be viewed by going to his website (josh.org) and type in “The 7 A’s of Relationships” in the search feature. This presentation applies specifically to raising children…but generally the principles apply to EVERY relationship we have in our lives. His advice…practice these principles and your relationships will THRIVE.
1. Affirmation – This provides for a sense of authenticity. Truth without relationship leads to rejection. If we desire to have the people in our lives embrace our message (whatever it may be), we must practice affirmation. What does this look like? We must consistently affirm that everyone is created in God’s image; this means that they have infinite value, dignity and worth (Romans 12:5). We each have a critical role to play in the Kingdom because we each have a unique sphere of influence. When you understand your purpose, and act on His design, your very life is affirmed (Ephesians 2:10).
2. Acceptance – This provides a sense of security. Romans 15:7 informs us that we are loved and accepted by the very God of the Universe. We know from John 14:6 that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life; His death and resurrection assures us that we are accepted by God. We must remind the people that we are relational with that they are loved and accepted first by their creator, but also unconditionally by us.
3. Appreciation – This provides a sense of significance. We see God the Father expressing His appreciation for His son in Matthew 3:17, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” Mark Twain said, “I can live two months on a compliment.” The Greek Historian Xenophon said, “The sweetest of songs is praise.” We need to take an important cue from this simple passage…even Jesus needed to be affirmed that He was accepted and appreciated by His Father.
The theme for our weekend at the Retreat was “Mission Possible”. Your mission this week my friends…if you choose to accept it is to INTENTIONALLY catch your child, spouse, employee, co-worker (you get it), doing something right and show them how much you appreciate them. We often only look for the “wrong” people do which leads to admonishment.
We will share the rest of the list next week, but I want to remind each of you that you have infinite value, dignity and worth! Why? Because you were created in God’s image. As you have opportunity my brothers be affirming, accepting and appreciative of those the Lord brings into your lives this week!