Dave’s Monday Blast – March 3, 2025
Last week we began considering some Scripture that helps us to rightly discover God’s will and ways, and in the process become better “waiters” (southern venactual”). When we rightly apply Scripture, we can be confident that God’s will and ways indeed work together for our good (Romans 8:28).
From last week:
1. Clear the pathway to Him by removing any idolatry which fogs our thinking and divides our mind (1John 1:9).
2. Exercise patience by refusing to rush ahead of God (Psalm 27:14). This is a man trait!
New for this week:
3. Be alert to pressure. Clear guidance does not come by listening to everybody’s opinion. Sift advice in prayer and through the Word. If you don’t have a sense of God’s guidance, don’t step forward because of external pressure. Should, ought, and must can get you in a lot of trouble. (Philippians 4:7 & 8). Dwell upon His Word.
4. Persist in prayer. “Pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17). When you are praying about something, don’t let go of it. God will bring to the surface consequences or motives you weren’t aware of. These godly insights can steer you away from painful mistakes. Remember, God’s goal isn’t to give you everything you want, but to make you more Christlike. Sometimes He lets us pray until He’s refined us and we say, “Okay, Lord, I know what you want and I want the same thing.”
Next week we will finish with two more Scriptures designed to reshape us and provide us with His peace…”that peace which surpasses all understanding…”.