Dave’s Monday Blast – March 24, 2025
We got to “try out” our new in-ground tornado shelter last week. Although we did not see a touch down in our area, the devastation throughout the midwest and south was heartbreaking. Storms have a way of teaching us the value of obedience. You likely know the difference between a tornado watch and a warning. We feel compelled to keep “watching” the progress of the storm and then find it is wise to heed the “warning” as soon as it comes. Get to your shelter!
I am reminded of the Apostle Peter whose life is used to affirm the truth of 2 Timothy 3:16 – 17: “All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.” In Luke 5:1 – 11 we discover an event in the early stages of Peter’s maturation from fisherman to disciple.The situation is used to illustrate that obedience is a fundamental part of the Christian life. From this story, and others throughout Scripture we can glean three important principles about obedience: (Synthesized from InTouch Ministries)
1. Obeying in small matters has eternal significance and leads to blessings from God. A seemingly small act like loaning a boat to Jesus, resulted in Peter’s call to become fisher-of-men.
2. Following Jesus is often beneficial to others. For one thing, Peter’s action made it possible for more people to hear Jesus. Later on, when Peter lowered nets back into the water at the Lord’s request, his obedience meant a big catch. When we live out biblical principles, our families will be enriched, and those within our circle of influence will be encouraged.
3. God may call for action that makes little sense. He told Noah to build an ark (Genesis 6:14); He instructed Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac (Genesis 22:2); and He directed Joshua to conquer Jericho by marching silently for six days and shouting on the seventh (Joshua 6:3 – 5). All of these men agreed to God’s plan; their trust in Him overruled any concerns and led to great reward.
INTENTIONAL men of God know that the Lord has a plan for our eternal good, and it is foolish not to obey Him. Like Peter, we have no idea what God will do in and through us if we commit to a life of obedience.