Dave’s Monday Blast – March 11, 2019

Last week we began sharing the story of Jesus’ encounter with the “woman with an issue of blood” found in Mark chapter 5.  A recent excavation on the western shores of the Sea of Galilee exposed the remains of the oldest first century Jewish Synagogue ever discovered within the ancient city of Magdala. Magdala was the hometown of Mary Magdalene, but also the site of the miraculous healing of this woman who had been bleeding for twelve years. You may recall the account…she touched the hem of His garment from behind and was immediately healed.

We know from the story that Jesus did heal this woman physically, but we learn that He was not content with the anonymity. Jesus recognized that someone with great faith had touched Him because He felt that “power had gone out from him” (Mark 5:30). He desired to touch her soul as well.

In verse 30 we read that Jesus turns to his disciples and inquires, “Who touched me?” It appears that the disciples thought it was a ridiculous question. The crowd was so big and everyone was crowding around Jesus. They were thinking, “Who hasn’t touched you?” Undaunted, He inquires a second time. It wasn’t just the tug of a hand Jesus felt. It was the tug of a heart. He knew someone had reached out to him in faith. Jesus scanned the crowd looking for who it was. He wasn’t about to let this woman get “lost in the crowd.” Jesus wanted to come face to face with such faith. He wasn’t satisfied just to be this lady’s healer. He didn’t want her to remain nameless and faceless. He wanted this woman to know that HE KNEW HER. He wanted to become her God, her King, her Savior, her Father; the One who loved her unconditionally.

Author David Yarborough comments, “This story lets us know that God always wants to make Himself personal to us. Jesus wanted a real relationship with this woman. He didn’t want to be just a mystical force who can touch and heal. He wanted to be her Lord; a real, loving and personal God. He is not satisfied until we come face to face with Him.” That’s good isn’t it!

So… she fell at His feet, grateful for His touch but fearful of His rejection. Jesus said, “Daughter, your faith has healed you.” This woman had not heard tender words from a man in more than twelve years. She had the word “unclean” written on her heart. But just like that… Jesus wrote a new name on her heart. Not content to just touch her physical body, He spoke love and acceptance to her heart. Now she was healed, really healed and she would never be the same again.

This, my friends, is God’s way of evangelism and it needs to be our way… body and soul must be ministered to. Next week I want to chat a bit more about the apologetics of evangelism; increasingly evangelical Christianity is shying away from our Kingdom Mandate focusing more on body than soul.

About The Author

Dave Wickstrom has been the Administrative Pastor at Auburn Grace Community Church since 2012. Prior to that he worked for private Christian school education as a Teacher and Administrator for 30 years. He is married and has two children and one grandchild. He is passionate about connecting people to ministry, and encouraging believers to give their time and God given gifts to the advancement of His Kingdom.
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