Dave’s Monday Blast – June 3, 2024

Last week we examined the passage from Luke 12:54 & ff where Jesus admonished us to be interpreters of our times; to “discern the winds”. The winds of a gospel-centered life foster the principles of the Kingdom of God, winds not rooted in the gospel, foster principles of the kingdom(s) of the world. We left off last week with this question: “How do INTENTIONAL men of God learn to properly interpret the winds of culture?”

We discern the winds through the SCRIPTURES, PRAYER AND REFLECTING WITH ONE ANOTHER to discover truth. Let’s unpack these strategies:

We discern our winds by recognizing the transcendent authority of Scripture, by engaging in prayer that transforms and by creating a life-giving culture with a vision to take the good news to all within our spheres of influence. The more we discern this present time, the stronger our mission stands and the more courageous our vision will be. We don’t need to lead with fear or defensiveness, but with the life-giving truths that missional fidelity calls us to, because we know the world desperately needs what we have in Christ.

During a time when we see the Church bending to cultural norms, we must be unwavering in our commitment to the Word of God and the Lordship of Christ. Rather than bending with the winds, we must fortify our mission by standing firm. We must challenge “speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God”, and take “every thought captive to the obedience of Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:3 – 5).

Obedience to Scripture under the Lordship of Christ is the best way to live with the goal in mind that we must live out the gospel (1 Corinthians 15:3 & 4). We must share this good news in word and in deed to advance the Kingdom of God.

Guiding Principles:

1. Be Biblically Centered in Truth
2. Recognize the Spiritual Transformation available to us as His chosen children
3. Embrace His Kingdom Mandate to Testify to this transforming truth

In a world that is closely watching us, we must be zealous for a firm center (Biblical Authority), and soft edges; known for hospitality, humility of spirit, profound Christ-like kindness, and an ability to listen to one another (Micah 6:6 – 8). And with the fruit of the Spirit as our testimony and the Word of the Lord as our foundation we will continue to accurately “discern the winds”.

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