Dave’s Monday Blast – June 28, 2021

We have been chatting the last couple of weeks about whom we will serve? To whom will we commit our time and talents and treasures? The truth about idols. God says clearly in His Word, (Exodus 20:3),  that we, (His special creation) shall have no other gods before Him.

In Jeremiah 2:13 the prophet comments that “My people have committed two evils”:

  1. They  have forsaken me, the fountain of living waters
  2. They have hewed out cisterns for themselves, BROKEN cisterns that can hold no water.

The Apostle Paul said in Philippians 3:4 – 8, “…I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as RUBBISH in order that I may gain Christ.”

What is an idol?
1. Anything that competes with God for your heart’s affections; anything that arouses and attracts me so that I PURSUE it all all costs.
2. Seeking happiness, fulfillment or purpose OUTSIDE of God and His provision.
3. When we allow anything other than God to become the center of our heart’s true happiness, contentment, meaning, IDENTITY, purpose or security. It’s when we allow something else to become a “surrogate god” in our life, ruling our thoughts, emotions and behaviors.

Pastor Tim Keller comments: “Idolatry is always the reason we ever do anything wrong. Why do we ever lie or fail to love or keep promises or live unselfishly? The specific answer is always that there is something besides Jesus Christ that you feel you must have to be happy, something that is more important to your heart than God. The secret to change is to always identify the Idols of the heart.” That’s good isn’t it!

Next week I want to discuss the truth about idols as we process those things that are daily competing for first place in our lives.

About The Author

Dave Wickstrom has been the Administrative Pastor at Auburn Grace Community Church since 2012. Prior to that he worked for private Christian school education as a Teacher and Administrator for 30 years. He is married and has two children and one grandchild. He is passionate about connecting people to ministry, and encouraging believers to give their time and God given gifts to the advancement of His Kingdom.
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