Dave’s Monday Blast – July 25, 2022

As recently discussed, the reason our country has fallen into disarray can be traced back to the intentional abandonment of God. For decades, the anti-God crowd has been falsely pushing the idea that there must be a separation between church and state, which is true, but only in the sense in which it was intended. The separation of church and state (which is not in the constitution) was only in regard to the government not being able to establish one religion or denomination (words used synonymously back then) as the official or only allowable religion for the country. JUST A LITTLE RESEARCH AFFIRMS THE HISTORY OF THE PHRASE AND ITS INTENT. There was one state religion and you were persecuted if you believed and or practiced differently.

The idea was simple: Governments cannot interfere nor influence faith; however, if a democracy is to survive it must be influenced by faith. Of course those individuals who laid the foundation for our nation did so using Judeo-Christian principles and values. President John Adams said it best: “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people.” James Madison wrote that our Constitution requires “sufficient virtue among men for self – government, otherwise, nothing less than the chains of despotism can restrain them from destroying and devouring one another.”

If you look at what’s really wrong with this country, it’s the amorality of those who blaspheme the living God by rejecting His Word, His existence, His dominion and His Authority. Sadly, many who should know better (Biblical Christians) bought this Separation of Church and State nonsense – hook, line, and sinker. Today, many churches believe that “Christians” should stay out of the political arena altogether. Unfortunately, Christianity is not some game to be played with. It is not a thing to only do in front of people on Sundays at church. Being a Christian and having faith (Greek: pistus) is to give allegiance to Jesus. It’s not a mere notitia belief or merely an assensus belief, but a fiducia faith that is accompanied by allegiance.

Notitia = Knowledge of the object of faith
Assensus = Affirming the truth concerning the object of our faith
Fiducia = Entrusting ourselves to the object of our faith

Today our strong allegiance to Christ and a Biblical Worldview is under sustained attack by increasingly secular forces. Our country was a Christian nation for most of its history. People can say that it wasn’t, but it’s simply untrue. I won’t attempt to make the argument that every founder perfectly understood Scripture properly, but by-and-large, they believed in God and Jesus Christ as the Savior of humankind and they pledged their allegiance to Him and that was demonstrated through their love of country.

So…what can we do about the current state of our nation? Can our Republic be saved? I believe that the answer to these questions is only possible by turning back to God (2 Chronicles 7:14) in humility with repentant hearts. Christians need to be the driving force behind all positions of influence within our culture as intended by those who founded our nation, not the amoral influencers who blaspheme the living God.

About The Author

Dave Wickstrom has been the Administrative Pastor at Auburn Grace Community Church since 2012. Prior to that he worked for private Christian school education as a Teacher and Administrator for 30 years. He is married and has two children and one grandchild. He is passionate about connecting people to ministry, and encouraging believers to give their time and God given gifts to the advancement of His Kingdom.
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