Dave’s Monday Blast – July 15, 2024

I am sitting on my front porch in Tennessee thanking the Lord for His provision. Yes, it is hot and humid, but not nearly as hot as you folks have been. Not to rub it in, but I can still run my air conditioning because it is much less expensive to do so. We are well and settling in, but I am missing my AGCC family and community.

Provision. (Psalm 37:25 – 26) says: “I have been young, and now am old (at least I am working on it), yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his children begging for bread. He is ever lending generously, and his children become a blessing.” The FIRST 15 DAILY DEVOTIONAL comments: “We serve a God who abundantly provides for us everything we could ever need. There are so many Scriptures about God’s provision. There are so many stories of God breaking through when his people needed him and providing exceedingly. We have a good Father who longs for his children to experience the peace and joy that comes from trusting in his desire to provide.”

Consider Psalm 23, it begins in a way that perfectly illustrates the heart of  one who trusts in God, “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.” What does that really mean? We can go through our lives with the peace and security that comes from wholeheartedly believing you “shall not want”. INTENTIONAL men of God know that our approach to work, finances, and relationships can be without worry because the Lord is our Shepherd. He leads, guides, protects and provides.

I want to spend the next week or so unpacking some Scripture that will encourage you and I to greater faith and trust in our Shepherd. Remember, as His children/sheep we “hear his voice, and He knows us, and we follow Him.” The author of FIRST 15 comments: “A large part of trusting God in the area of provision is aligning your desires with His. Trust that he will provide the absolute best life you can live.”

About 6 feet away from where I am sitting a couple of birds have built a nest and are “raising” their children. As I watch them coming and going throughout the day providing and protecting, I am encouraged to spend a little time meditating on Matthew 6:26.

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