Dave’s Monday Blast – January 6, 2025

Well…another year has arrived. With it comes a strong desire to be prayerful. When I pray I somehow feel as if I am in control of something. There are many bizzare traditions surrounding the “ushering in of a new year” around the world; a quick google search will affirm this to be true. I read recently that one explanation for these traditions is that they help us to feel more in control of what is ultimately uncontrollable, namely the future.

Pastor Jim Denison explains: “When we do what we know to do, we hope, however naively, that we are doing something to influence the unknowable.” He continues: “And, of course, millions are making resolutions to begin 2025 as well. Here we believe we are acting in a more practical way, choosing behaviors we can influence to improve our lives and our world.” Unfortunately, studies show that only 9% of those who make such resolutions keep them throughout the year.

When I was in college (Biola) I was blessed to attend Charles Swindoll’s church in Fullerton, California. I distinctly remember him commenting that humankind cannot control 90% of what they experience. The remaining 10% is essentially how you respond to the 90%. Jesus was a master at modeling the 10%. Consider:

Jesus knew that he needed the power of the Holy Spirit (Matthew 12:28; Luke 4:18; Acts 10:38) if he was to respond to the 90% and be “without sin”.  This is why he so often began his days in prayer (Mark 1:35) and concluded them the same way (Luke 6:12 & 13). It is also why he spent so much time alone with his Father (Luke 5:16) and why he turned to his word first when temptation struck (Matthew 4:1 – 11).

Jim Denison comments: “He called on his father when facing the cross, trusting His will even when it meant his crucified death (Matthew 26:36 – 46). It’s why his last words before he died were, ‘Father, unto your hands I commit my spirit!’ (Luke 23:46). It is also why he taught us to ‘ask and keep on asking, and it will be given to you…’ (Matthew 7:7).”

Men of INTENTION know that we are told to “pray without ceasing…” (1 Thessalonians 5:17), as this is how we stay intimately connected with our Lord as we walk in His presence each day. We also know that being intimately connected with our Lord is what allows us to respond as Jesus did during the 90%.

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