Dave’s Monday Blast – January 18, 2016

Last week we began a discussion of “things” that our God LOVES. There are many passages in Scripture that reference things that God finds detestable, but Proverbs 6:16 provides a very precise list of 7 items. We can unpack that verse and discover 7 things that God also loves. Here are the first three in review from last week:

1.  God hates “haughty eyes” – Therefore, He loves eyes which gaze in humility.

2.  God hates a “lying tongue” – Therefore, God loves a tongue that speaks the truth.

3.  God hates “hands that shed innocent blood”- Therefore, He loves hands that protect the innocent.

Now to the last 4 things that God loves:

4.  God hates “a heart that devises wicked plans.”– Therefore He loves a heart which devises good and righteous plans.God loves our desires to serve, our desires to help, our desires to minister. When our hearts long to carry out God’s plans for goodness, righteousness, and peace, it delights Him

5.  God hates “feet that run rapidly to evil.” – Therefore, God loves feet which run rapidly togoodness. Our feet carry enormous power. Where we choose to walk can truly define who we are as a person. Will we choose to walk away from a fruitless argument, or remain in an attempt to stubbornly prove a point? Will we choose to chase after those whom we have wronged, falling at their feet with love and humility? Will we let our feet wander to where the Spirit leads us, or will our feet guide us to our own selfish desires?

6.  God hates “a false witness who utters lies.”– Therefore, God loves a trustworthy witness who speaks the truth. When we are beacons of integrity, truth, and honor, God rejoices. In any situation, a witness is charged to faithfully report what happened to the best of his ability. The greatest witness we can be is a faithful witness of God’s redeeming work in our lives. Will we boldly stand up and proclaim the truth of God to the world? Are we living as false witnesses, or trustworthy witnesses?

7.  God hates “one who spreads strife among brothers.” Therefore, God loves one who spreads peace among his brothers. It is really only possible to spread peace or strife. Every word we speak contributes one of those two attitudes to our relationships. And God loves those who value peace over 1) proving a point, 2) being heard, 3) manipulating situations. With one word at a time, God wants us to change our attitude and INTENTIONALLY sow seeds of peace in our relationships.

Again, my encouragement to you this week is to select one thing that God loves and work to implement more of it into your daily life.

About The Author

Dave Wickstrom has been the Administrative Pastor at Auburn Grace Community Church since 2012. Prior to that he worked for private Christian school education as a Teacher and Administrator for 30 years. He is married and has two children and one grandchild. He is passionate about connecting people to ministry, and encouraging believers to give their time and God given gifts to the advancement of His Kingdom.
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