Dave’s Monday Blast – January 13, 2020

Last week we began a discussion on the topic of social media. We suggested the possibility that Timothy would have been an Instagram Ninja. No doubt he was a natural influencer, so much so that the Apostle Paul had every confidence in his ability to speak the Truth and keep the Faith during a time when there was a great deal of push-back to Christianity. Of course we live in those days as well.

A 2019 survey called “Civility in America” found that 93% of Americans believe there’s a civility problem in society. More than half of Americans expect incivility to grow, and 57% believe the reason for this is the internet and social media. How then can we push back this trend and pursue the art of civility, especially in today’s digital age? We all wonder if there is any hope for Truth and Civility with online platforms? We wonder if the Word of God can speak into such a topic with relevance? Can we manage our social media as well as Timothy did?

Biola University Professor Carolyn Kim, director of Biola’s public relations programs comments, “There are great assumptions to be made for the role of civility in supporting a democratic society or a culture where diverse individuals live together in community. To me, however, the implications of incivility extend beyond this. Incivility is a moral issue. Civility and incivility in communication are directly connected to an individual’s worldview, and thus, one’s perspective of the value and worth of other individuals. “

She continues, “I believe that uncivil communication in social media impacts society in profound ways. Uncivil dialogue chips away at the soul of those involved, it hits to the core of human dignity and respect. As a Christian, I believe we are designed with innate value, created in the image of God. Thus as a professional communicator, I believe communication that fails to dignify a human soul is inherently harmful and degrading of individuals and society.” The truth is…if we can not speak the truth in love our words are like the proverbial “clanging cymbal.” (1 Corinthians 13:1)

Gratefully, we stand to learn a great deal about this topic from Paul in 1 Timothy. People on “Timothy’s feed” were spending all their time “giving heed to fables”… “causing disputes” … “turning to idle talk” … “desiring to be teachers, but understanding neither what they say nor the things which they affirm.” (1 Timothy 1:3 – 7). In response to these posts that lacked civility, Paul told Timothy to “fire back”! (Just kidding). He told him to teach sound doctrine and avoid the idle talk. Timothy was called to stand firm, to be a man of the Word, an example, someone who could point to Jesus and not join in the disputes. This is great advice for us in the social media culture today!

Next week I want to chat about our methods and motivation. (Sneak peek below)

What was his motivation? What is ours? Paul says in 1 Timothy 1:5 to do this was “love from a pure heart, from good conscience and from sincere faith.” In a context of confusion, arguments, and distractions, Timothy was to stand firm in talking about the things that matter… about the love and life we find in Jesus.

About The Author

Dave Wickstrom has been the Administrative Pastor at Auburn Grace Community Church since 2012. Prior to that he worked for private Christian school education as a Teacher and Administrator for 30 years. He is married and has two children and one grandchild. He is passionate about connecting people to ministry, and encouraging believers to give their time and God given gifts to the advancement of His Kingdom.
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