Dave’s Monday Blast – February 18, 2019

Last week we were chatting about the virtue of kindness. The discussion was specific to our Kingdom Mandate found Matthew 28  be a Disciple Maker! The rationale is simple; Kindness reflects the heart of God. We are created in God’s image to reflect His character to a lost and dying world. Kindness is a powerful evangelistic tool. Kindness attracts.

We are called to be Kind in two ways:
 1. What we do
 2. What we say

In John 21 we read a compelling account of the post-resurrection Christ seeking out His inner core of disciples in a very familiar place and charging them with His Kingdom Mandate. This encounter likely takes place a day or two before His ascension and the account we referenced from Matthew 28. The location of this encounter on the shores of Galilee is 100 % certain. I stood on the very spot where Jesus shared His last meal with his closest disciples, where He restored Peter and where He clearly explained the task that was before them. It was an emotional encounter for them and for me.

You remember the encounter. They had “gone fishing”. They had been unsuccessful. Jesus told them to cast the net back into the lake on the right side. Instantly the net was full. Instantly Peter recognized who it was that cried out to them from the shore. The specifics of the encounter are critical to understanding The Mandate. 


153 fish – Representing all the nations of the world at that time. Our God is not willing that ANY should perish but that all should come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9).

Large fish – Making disciples of the entire world is a LARGE task.

The net should have…but did not break – Jesus was saying to them you will be successful.

The restoration of Peter – Helps us understand our motivation to accomplish this LARGE TASK is a deep and enduring LOVE for Jesus.

The shared meal of bread and fish – Reminds us to be nourished by the WORD in preparation for the work of the Mandate.

That’s good isn’t it!

About The Author

Dave Wickstrom has been the Administrative Pastor at Auburn Grace Community Church since 2012. Prior to that he worked for private Christian school education as a Teacher and Administrator for 30 years. He is married and has two children and one grandchild. He is passionate about connecting people to ministry, and encouraging believers to give their time and God given gifts to the advancement of His Kingdom.
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