Dave’s Monday Blast – February 13, 2023

Last week we spent a little time unpacking 1 Corinthians 13:1 – 7. This passage immediately follows the teachings on Spiritual Gifts found in chapter twelve of 1 Corinthians. This passage is one of four found in the New Testament that shed light on this topic of spiritual gifts. Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit as recorded in chapter twelve, we learn from whom gifts are given, who receives those gifts, what the gifts are given for, and that all gifts are equally valuable within the Kingdom. After this instruction, Paul INTENTIONALLY follows with a simple reminder in chapter thirteen that none of these gifts will bear fruit for the Kingdom of God unless they are exercised with love.

In v. 5 of 1 Corinthians 13, we discovered what love does, and what it does not do. It is in the NOT DO that we learned that you cannot separate love from forgiveness. It begs the question: What keeps you from loving others? Verse 11 provides some clues: “When I became a man, I did away with childish things”. A contributor to the February IN TOUCH devotional comments: I believe childish thinking is a hidden enemy of loving relationships. When we are young, a mental grid forms in the mind, and we interpret life through it. Over time, that grid changes as some ideas are dropped and others are incorporated.”

The author continues: “The same is true for us spiritually: as we mature, our mental framework should increasingly be shaped by Scripture and that includes our understanding of love. Childish, self-seeking ideas of love must be replaced with truths about mature love that wants what’s best for others.

Our relationship with God can also be affected by childish thinking. We may believe that His love is dependent on our performance. Or we could mistakenly assume God is withholding love if He doesn’t fulfill our desires.

What faulty thinking is hindering your ability to love and be loved? By putting away your immature beliefs, you’ll be freed to experience God’s unconditional love and express Christlike love to others. Remember…we are never more like Christ than when we forgive.

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