Dave’s Monday Blast – December 28, 2020

Happy New Year to you and yours!

In Psalm 125:3, the Lord states: “The scepter of wickedness shall not rest on the land allotted to the righteous, lest the righteous stretch out their hands to do wrong.” The word scepter to which the psalmist refers is kingly power held by Israelites who do not serve God and His people. The Denison Forum comments: “This verse identifies the pervasive pattern in Scripture and human history whereby people follow those who influence them, for good or evil.”

Consider Moses led the Israelites out of Egyptian slavery, but Aaron soon led them into idolatry (Exodus 32:1 – 6). King Hezekiah led the nation to remove its idols and return to the one true God (2 Kings 18:1 – 6), but his son Manasseh led them into horrific immorality that resulted in their destruction (2 Kings 21:1 – 15).

Denison suggests two principles to consider and apply in this new year:

1. INTENTIONAL men of God have learned to “Spot the Lie”! 2 Corinthians 10:5 says: “We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ.” In other words, you must carefully evaluate the influencers you allow to influence you. And like all things, you evaluate everything by passing it through the filter of God’s Word.

2. Seek to use your influence for Christ and His kingdom as effectively as you can. It is by God’s providence that you are alive where you are and when you are. Whatever your gifts, aptitudes, and resources, someone knows who you are and how you live.

Our Father will use all those who want to be used. Are you in their number today my brothers?

About The Author

Dave Wickstrom has been the Administrative Pastor at Auburn Grace Community Church since 2012. Prior to that he worked for private Christian school education as a Teacher and Administrator for 30 years. He is married and has two children and one grandchild. He is passionate about connecting people to ministry, and encouraging believers to give their time and God given gifts to the advancement of His Kingdom.
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