Dave’s Monday Blast – December 17, 2018

I have always marveled at the story of the encounter between Mary and the Angel Gabriel found in Luke 1:28 – 38. The remarkable faith of this very young woman is on display for all eternity. Discovering that she was suddenly with child before consummating the marriage; under threat of being labeled an adulteress and likely divorced, she was suddenly facing an unknown and unplanned future. But her response to this astonishing news teaches us how to exchange Fear for Faith.

I believe we discover a great deal about her up bringing by reading her response to this message in verse 38, “Behold, I am a servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.” I must admit that this is THE response I desire to have when faced with unsettling news.

Like Mary, when we are faced with an uncertain future we must:

1. Continue to Walk with our God and Rely upon His Word.
2. Trust reliable evidence from His enduring faithfulness.
3. Listen to the Confirmation of our heart brought by the Holy Spirit.
3. Choose not to dwell on Life’s Risks, but believe in His plan.

If believed, the gospel message on fear becomes an INTENTIONAL decision to choose between Fear and Faith. We base this decision upon the testimony of the only ONE who can be trusted. Consider the following MESSAGE from God found at the beginning of this story: The angel to Mary found in Luke 1:30 and again to Joseph in Mathew 1:20. At the end of the story the MESSAGE is repeated by Jesus to his disciples in Luke 24:36 – 38 and again by Jesus to the witnesses of the Resurrection in Matthew 28:10. What is the message? “Do not be afraid”! Why? “I am with you”!

I think the bottom line my brothers is that we must acknowledge that our role in this life is to be a Steward not an Owner. What is the difference? A Steward realizes that all we have is Loaned to us, not Owned by us.

Like Mary, we can choose to make our lives an Offering to our God. We need to live with a Faith filled Heart and I believe we can only do that with a Stewardship mentality. (Don’t hold on to tightly to anything) Take a moment to read Mary’s comments to Elizabeth found in Luke 1:49 – 54. They are the comments of a young woman immersed in the Scriptures. This is the key!

About The Author

Dave Wickstrom has been the Administrative Pastor at Auburn Grace Community Church since 2012. Prior to that he worked for private Christian school education as a Teacher and Administrator for 30 years. He is married and has two children and one grandchild. He is passionate about connecting people to ministry, and encouraging believers to give their time and God given gifts to the advancement of His Kingdom.
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