Dave’s Monday Blast – August 21, 2023

The time you spend in private with the Lord will refresh and empower you supernaturally. This truth is affirmed in Isaiah 40:31 which we shared last week.  Pastor Charles Stanley shared the following wisdom some time ago in regards to essential steps for a personal prayer life that is indescribably rewarding.

Four basic, but essential steps:

1. Make the time for God. This advice is true for all relationships. Be deliberate and committed. Get alone with Him and refuse to be interrupted. You will soon find yourself jealously guarding this time because it is so rewarding and precious to you.

2. As possible, find a corner you can set aside just for this time alone with Him. You have heard the phrase Prayer Closet.  In this spot you do nothing but talk with God and here is what will happen: It will become sacred to you. And as soon as you enter, God will prepare you for His presence which is a wonderful way to begin your time with Him.

3. Are our needs important to God? Yes of course. But the true purpose of prayer is to commune with the God of our souls, to be enclosed with Him, adoring Him, and to be conformed to His image (2 Corinthians 3:18)As you sit with the Lord in that closet, you’ll begin to resemble Him in your thoughts and actions, and His glory will begin to shine on your countenance.

4. Keep a prayer pad. The idea is to let God tell you what to pray about. Record the day you start to pray over something and then the date you see Him act. Over time, this list will give you confidence that God is faithful. Let your prayer life be a blessing to others. When God’s people are strong, “each will be like a refuge from the wind and a shelter from the storm, like streams of water in a dry country” (Isaiah 32:2). 

Brothers understand this: Your prayer life will, to a very great extent, determine everything else about you! You will live no better than you pray, work no better than you pray, sing and teach no better than you pray. But be prepared! The enemy will fight you for it, because he knows the potential of a serious prayer life. Satan fears a praying saint!


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