Dave’s Monday Blast – August 15, 2022

Last week we were discussing the tools that God uses in our lives to Make us Holy, i.e. Look more like Him, Act more like Him, Be more like Him. The tools He avails us to this end are the Word, the Church, and the Circumstances in our lives that at times include Suffering.

To the last tool in particular, I got to thinking about various individuals in Scripture that experienced more than their share of suffering to the desired end; Joseph is one such individual. His enslavement in Egypt lasted for 13 years and went from bad to worse. He lost his favored position in Potiphar’s household and went to prison when the master’s wife told lies about him. His hope for release from jail died when the king’s servant forgot his promise (Genesis 40:14 & 23). So the future looked bleak.

Despite the evidence of circumstances, God was carrying out His plan to bless Joseph and his entire family. In fact, Joseph was God’s appointed person to rescue them from the coming famine. But for that to happen, he had to learn the Egyptian language and culture, develop leadership abilities, and mature spiritually. The Lord’s plan made it all possible.

Joseph learned two very helpful lessons along the way: (From In Touch Ministries)

1. The Lord is a faithful companion who uses our troubles to prepare us for His work. Think about the big picture that came via Joseph as a result of his faithfulness…the Messiah!
2. Once the Lord has accomplished His purposes, the difficulty will end. At God’s chosen moment, Joseph was freed from jail, rewarded with a high-ranking appointment, and reconciled with his family.

Adversity can be painful, but the Lord uses it to further His purposes and equip us to carry out His plan. What is He trying to teach in the midst of your trials? This is a question that needs to be asked continually.

About The Author

Dave Wickstrom has been the Administrative Pastor at Auburn Grace Community Church since 2012. Prior to that he worked for private Christian school education as a Teacher and Administrator for 30 years. He is married and has two children and one grandchild. He is passionate about connecting people to ministry, and encouraging believers to give their time and God given gifts to the advancement of His Kingdom.
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