Dave’s Monday Blast – April 18, 2022

The Christian Life is a Walk of Faith. From the moment we are born again, until we take our last breath, our journey is a faith journey. Genesis 12:1 – 10 shares Abraham’s Walk of Faith. From his journey we discover that a successful faith journey (although not without failures) requires some very specific things from the sojourner.

From last week:  The first two requirements for Walking in Faith from the life of Abraham –
1. Learn to Listen to God
2. Learn to Obey God 

From this week:
3. Learn to Depend on God: The more closely we walk with the Father, the more we understand how perfectly He leads us. This is why God will sometimes only show us where to go one step at a time. (I know…I don’t like that either). But of course that process is in place so we learn to rely upon Him constantly. When this happens, we may become frustrated or impatient with our progress and begin to doubt. However, when we do so, we show that we don’t truly trust and depend on God. As a result, we begin to feel we must handle things on our own and pull away from Him. This is always a mistake. Instead, we must constantly remain in complete dependence upon the Father, which is the position of ultimate safety.

4. Learn to Wait upon God: Time is a tool in God’s hand, and its passing will either strengthen our faith or undermine it, depending on how we respond. Scripture is clear: “God…acts in behalf of the one who waits for Him” (Isaiah 64:4). No matter how many days, weeks, months, or years pass, the Lord will still keep His promises to you. Trust is required of His children. 

5. Learn to Acknowledge, Repent, and Profit from Faith Failures: We all make mistakes and fail to rely on God at times. We run ahead of His timing, trying to invent our own solutions to the problems we face, or achieve the desires of our hearts in our own ways. Although there are certainly consequences for this, we must never imagine that the Father gives up on us. The Lord never turned His back on Abraham, and He will not forsake us either. However, God will continue to try our faith until we are able to trust Him with everything we love in life. Therefore, instead of merely regretting our failures, we should acknowledge them, repent of our unbelief, and make every effort to avoid such mistakes in the future.

My friends, don’t miss God’s best in your life because of fear. Grow in your faith relationship with the Father by listening to, depending on, waiting on, and obeying Him. At times WHEN you fail, learn from your mistakes by faithfully adhering to these requirements.

About The Author

Dave Wickstrom has been the Administrative Pastor at Auburn Grace Community Church since 2012. Prior to that he worked for private Christian school education as a Teacher and Administrator for 30 years. He is married and has two children and one grandchild. He is passionate about connecting people to ministry, and encouraging believers to give their time and God given gifts to the advancement of His Kingdom.
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