Dave’s Monday Blast – October 16, 2023

I have an academic background in history, having taught in that field for years. My passion was American Studies in general, and the early years of our founding as a nation in particular. Many of you will remember learning about the so-called Minutemen during our revolution. They were ordinary citizens who banded together to form an effective army. [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – October 9, 2023

In Proverbs 16:17 - 19 we read: The highway of the upright is to depart from evil; He who watches his way preserves his life. Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before stumbling. It is better to be humble in spirit with the lowly than to divide the spoil with the proud. Translation, PRIDE is DANGEROUS. It is something [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – October 2, 2023

Scripture is very definite about EVERYTHING! Our God is a Word Smith, an excellent communicator who desires for us to fully understand His will and ways. With that in mind, I have been impressed of late with the need to consider how often the Scriptures admonish us to Take a Stand. Of course there are [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – September 25, 2023

At His ascension from the Mount of Olives, Jesus commanded His disciples to go into all the world and make disciples. In Matthew 28:19 & 20 we learn about this mandate and understand it to be more than a simple admonishment to share the Good News of His Resurrection. As His disciples, we are to be about [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – September 18, 2023

Last week we were chatting about Having Grace for Others (Title taken from First15). We took a quick look at John 13:34 - 35 where Jesus was issuing a new commandment for His new covenant; love one another. In so doing, we would be dispensing the kind of grace that our Heavenly Father abundantly demonstrates throughout Scripture. As we strive to [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – September 11, 2023

Good Morning Men of Intention, I read an article the other day from First15 (a daily devotional) entitled Having Grace for Others. It was based upon this teaching by Jesus found in John13:34 - 35:  "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – September 4, 2023

I grew up in rural Minnesota. I have vivid memories of tornado seasons. One strong memory I have is watching the sky, ominously black, the air thick and still, natural sounds diminished or gone as if all of creation was anticipating what was to come. All day long, the radio would broadcast urgent instructions on [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – August 28, 2023

Are you challenged at times to find and use kind words? We live in an angry, blasphemous, hate filled world that is intent on creating conflict. Recently I discovered in an old file folder an article that had originated from a newspaper's obituary. Those last two words affirm how old this article is. Here is [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – August 21, 2023

The time you spend in private with the Lord will refresh and empower you supernaturally. This truth is affirmed in Isaiah 40:31 which we shared last week.  Pastor Charles Stanley shared the following wisdom some time ago in regards to essential steps for a personal prayer life that is indescribably rewarding. Four basic, but essential steps: 1. Make the time for God. This [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – August 14, 2023

Pastor Charles Stanley recently went on to be with the Lord. His In Touch Ministries continues to put out great content designed to encourage all of us to Live According to His Word. He comments: "In a healthy spiritual life, self-evaluation is important. It can even be exciting, if we're willing to be honest with ourselves and welcome the tender compassionate [...]
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