Dave’s Monday Blast – September 20, 2021

When we face an enemy more powerful than ourselves, we need the help of someone more powerful than our enemy. Who is our enemy? As we discussed last week, Scripture makes it plain that we have one enemy, one adversary, the Bible identifies him as the devil, Satan. He is decidedly more powerful than humankind. [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – September 13, 2021

When we face an enemy more powerful than ourselves, we need the help of someone more powerful than our enemy. It seems that in the days in which we live we have a myriad of enemies; the hordes are at the gates robbing us of joy and peace. But, let's be clear, as followers of Christ, [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – September 6, 2021

Over the last two weeks we have been speaking of the Peace of God. We declared that it is what everyone desperately wants, but few actually find. So we asked the question: Why is the peace of God so elusive? Jesus gave to his followers a type of peace that endures through the most trying situation: [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – August 30, 2021

Last week we began a discussion on why Peace is so elusive. We were not talking about the absence of war or turmoil, but an inner peace that produces a calm sense of well-being. That spirit of tranquility comes easily when all is going well, but then it evaporates quickly when your circumstances change. Use [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – August 23, 2021

"Whatever my lot, you have taught me to say, even so, it is well with my soul." Likely most of you could sing the words from this song by heart, but the back story is so very powerful and is worth the next few minutes to watch and learn (click here). Have you ever wondered why [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – August 16, 2021

Grace is a gift most of us don't know how to receive. We've been so inundated with the earthly systems of give-and get and work-and-earn that grace is a concept few ever fully grasp. Yet it's grace alone that has the power to transform lives. Grace alone has the power to bring freedom to those in bondage [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – August 8, 2021

There is an all out assault on truth and Biblical Truth going on in our culture today. It has become conventional wisdom in our postmodern-post Christian culture that all truth is personal and subjective. This claim that there are no absolute truths is itself an absolute truth claim of course. And it fails not just logically [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – August 2, 2021

I read widely to find encouragement and to receive wisdom and advice from sources that consistently espouse a Biblical Christian Worldview. Once a week, I receive an email from Mark Batterson, Senior Pastor at National Community Church in Washington D.C. This week he hooked me with this title: Offend Pharisees. Then the question: Who are you [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – July 26, 2021

The current coach of the Phoenix Suns is Monty Williams. He was recently voted NBA Coach of the Year by his peers. When he was informed of this honor, he commented: "God knocks the ball out of the park and I get to run the bases." (I love that imagery).  Williams is an out-spoken follower [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – July 19, 2021

The Christian life is meant to be marked by simplicity. From my perspective, humankind is not as complex as we like to believe, after all, we are routinely compared in Scripture to sheep. (Click on the link below for affirmation of this truth) Jesus summed up our purpose with two statements: Love God and Love people (Mark 12:30 [...]
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