Dave’s Monday Blast – April 18, 2022

The Christian Life is a Walk of Faith. From the moment we are born again, until we take our last breath, our journey is a faith journey. Genesis 12:1 - 10 shares Abraham's Walk of Faith. From his journey we discover that a successful faith journey (although not without failures) requires some very specific things from the [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – April 11, 2022

The Christian Walk is a Walk of Faith. From the moment you become a believer, you enter the school of faith because, from that point on, the Father's goal is to teach you to trust in Him. Therefore, in order to live effectively and grow in your relationship with Him you must have confidence that [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – April 4, 2022

I was reading an article by Pastor Charles Stanley recently. He has been a very INTENTIONAL man of God for decades. The article was simply entitled Walking by Faith. We know that the Christian life is a walk of faith. I encourage you to (Selah) by reading Genesis 12:1 - 10 right now and then continue reading. From the moment you become a believer, [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – March 28, 2022

Men of INTENTION know the value of a Single Mind, i.e. a mind focused upon Christ, a mind focused upon His will being accomplished. The Apostle Paul had such a mind. He stated it as simply as this: "For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain" (Philippians 1:21). His Singular Purpose Mind was not concerned about the things of this world (1 [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – March 21, 2022

"For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain" (Philippians 1:21). There it is brothers...the singular purpose of an INTENTIONAL man of God. If we live to serve Christ, then we have a "single purpose". Our circumstances don't distract us. It is in relationship to Jesus Christ, where our focus is upon, and we prioritize [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – March 14, 2022

Last week we began a discussion on how easy it is for sheep to nibble themselves toward lostness because of their penchant to be distracted by their wondering eyes. Unfortunately, our sheep-like characteristics place us in danger of the same distractions if we are not laser focused upon the mission of Disciple-making (Matthew 28:19 & 20).  It is easy to [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – March 7, 2022

Did you know that sheep have peripheral vision up to 320 degrees? This means they can graze on a patch of green grass, glimpse another patch and wander off. Their distracted vision can move them from tuft to tuft until they're grazing in the far country unable to find their way back. As a shepherd once [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – February 28, 2022

It takes courage to obey when you don't know the outcome, but that is exactly what God wants to build in our lives as His children. Our responsibility is to step out in faith and obedience, knowing that the Lord holds us and the future in His omnipotent hand. Last week we began to unpack some [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – February 21, 2022

I just finished reading an article by Charles Stanley on this idea: It's not only possible, but vital, to guide our lives by Scripture. Knowing and living by Biblical Principles is mission critical for a follower of Christ. Stanley writes to inform on what's at stake. "If your mind isn't grounded in Biblical Truth Principles you'll be more [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – February 14, 2022

What do we do when we lack the wisdom to address a confounding issue? To this question, (Psalm 20:7a) provides some insight: "But we trust in the name of the Lord our God." This comment comes from David, a very INTENTIONAL man of God. David was the Warrior King of ancient Israel for 40 years (1 Kings 2:11), and as [...]
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