Dave’ Monday Blast – June 27, 2022

Have you noticed that bad behavior is routinely on public display, and there is little sense of it being wrong? I got to pondering this reality, and affirm what political scientist James Q. Wilson observes: "There are only two restraints on behavior...morality, enforced by individual conscience or social rebuke, and law, enforced by the police and the courts. [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – June 20, 2022

Last weekend we were seated on a patio in a restaurant in South Lake Tahoe. A few tables away was a group of guys that had just returned from an early morning fishing excursion. We had just ordered our meal when one of them came over and asked us if we wanted some lake trout [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – June 13, 2022

I just returned from spending a couple weeks with my family and some friends camping. Our camp trips always include riding quads, eating great (well different) food, staring into the fire ring, watching the stars and the bats, looking for Big Foot, and of course, shooting guns. I just love the whole camping experience; especially [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – June 6, 2022

Last week we concluded with this thought as it concerns "unanswered prayers": The Almighty is in control of our lives as He accomplishes His perfect will. Like the Hebrews under the bondage of the Egyptians who were unable to see God's redemption until it was completed, we can't perceive all He's doing. Yet even in our most painful situations, [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – May 30, 20222

The last couple of weeks we have been considering the "problem of unanswered prayer". We have concluded that the problem is not with the goodness of God but our perception of who He is. Let's affirm the Truth of this statement as INTENTIONAL men of God: God is the Sovereign of the Universe, and everything is within His power!  "The [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – May 23, 2022

Last week we began a discussion concerning the "problem of disagreeable outcomes to our prayers". We have all experienced "unanswered prayers", and at times this has created a challenge to our belief in God's goodness. The problem though is not in the "unanswered prayer" but in our ability to understand who God really is. We must be careful not to [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – May 16, 2022

Pastor Charles Stanley was asked this question: "I've heard you preach on the goodness of God, but I can't see it in my life. After I was saved, everything got worse, not better." Have you ever felt like this? Perhaps you've prayed for a good outcome to a problem, but God didn't answer. In fact, the situation [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – May 9, 2022

The Road to Emmaus. I know that Easter was a few weeks ago but I recently read an article on Luke 24 (the longest account of the Road to Emmaus). The story is really about two guys making their way to the town of Emmaus at the first of the week following the crucifixion. Emmaus is about [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – May 2, 2022

I know that there are a few ardent Golfers out there. If you are a fan of professional golf you likely watched the Masters a couple weeks ago. Twenty five year old Scottie Scheffler won arguably the most famous tournament by three strokes. He was asked at the post event press conference how he balances his [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – April 25, 2022

Do you remember that old song, Leaning on the Everlasting Arms? My favorite line from the song is "Safe and Secure from All Alarms". It reminds me of Psalm 46. Take a moment right now and look up a fantastic song based upon Psalm 46 by Shane and Shane. The official title is Psalm 46 - Lord of Hosts. You will find it on You Tube. (I suggest the lyrics [...]
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