Dave’s Monday Blast – November 5, 2018

This life is marked by a single choice: who or what will we center our lives around? “The end of the matter, after all has been heard, is to fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.” (Ecclesiastes 12:13). This INTENTIONAL choice takes each of us down a path […]

Dave’s Monday Blast – October 29, 2018

Last week we were chatting about the importance of framing all our words and actions with love. The simple idea is that the Word of God is not efficacious to a lost and dying world if it is presented without love. Your witness is called into question by the very world you are trying to […]

Dave’s Monday Blast – October 22, 2018

“By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:35). Do you feel the love within our culture…or a lack thereof? When love is absent, all else is empty, and our words are without value. (1 Corinthians 13). In his booklet “The Mark of a Christian” based upon John 13:35, theologian Dr. […]

Dave’s Monday Blast – October 15, 2018

I hate to confess…but there are days when I just don’t feel joyful. I was chatting with the Lord about this and was reminded of this promise found in (1 Corinthians 2:9): “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love […]

Dave’s Monday Blast – October 8, 2018

Throughout Scripture we see countless examples of God meeting with man and countless lives being transformed as the result of those encounters.Each morning I read a devotional titled “First Fifteen” by Greg Denison. He comments, “These Scriptural encounters with God are designed to stir our faith and fill us with a desire to meet with our Creator. […]

Dave’s Monday Blast – October 1, 2018

Last Sunday I was at Auburn Oaks Retirement Community sharing a compelling story from Numbers 20. (FYI – we are blessed to conduct a service the third and fourth Sunday of each month). My intent today is to encourage you to get into this passage and ask the Holy Spirit to unpack for you the […]

Dave’s Monday Blast – September 24, 2018

Last week we introduced the idea that “for a time” Jesus was perhaps the most popular person in all of Israel (Matthew 4:25). We tied His popularity to the many things He did for the people; healing the sick, feeding the hungry, teaching with divine authority and forgiving the sinner. All of these actions added to His […]

Dave’s Monday Blast – September 17, 2018

Early on in his ministry Jesus Christ was perhaps the most popular person in all of Israel. Matthew 4:25 comments that “great crowds followed him from Galilee and the Decapolis, and from Jerusalem to Judea, and from beyond the Jordan.” What was his popularity tied to? Certainly his ability to heal the sick (Matthew 7:28-29), teach with divine authority (Matthew 7:28-29), and feed massive […]

Dave’s Monday Blast – September 10, 2018

The persistence of BAD NEWS calls for persistence from those who would make and share GOOD NEWS. The scales desperately need to be balanced, and I think J.J. Watt, NFL Player of the Year and Pro Bowl Defensive Star is doing just that. Watt has been a powerful force behind reconstruction efforts in Texas after […]

Dave’s Monday Blast – September 3, 2018

I hope you have this day off from your routine Monday labors and can make a wonderful memory with family and friends. Whose way is most effective…yours or His? We all know the story of Moses and his initial efforts to free the children of Israel as found in Exodus 2:12. The truth is Moses […]

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