Dave’s Monday Blast – March 25, 2019

To be effective Disciple Makers we must emulate our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is His example that we must follow simply because we were created to bear His image (Genesis 1:26). We have noted that Jesus was kind in His dealings with people. Even in moments of chastisement He was gracious in speaking the truth […]

Dave’s Monday Blast – March 18, 2019

A few weeks ago we began a discussion about Apologetics and Evangelism. We started out by simply saying that we should not expect a non-believer to actually listen to a gospel message if our actions do not show kindness. As Christ-followers, you and I can not “escape” our obligation to the Kingdom Mandate found in […]

Dave’s Monday Blast – March 11, 2019

Last week we began sharing the story of Jesus’ encounter with the “woman with an issue of blood” found in Mark chapter 5.  A recent excavation on the western shores of the Sea of Galilee exposed the remains of the oldest first century Jewish Synagogue ever discovered within the ancient city of Magdala. Magdala was the hometown […]

Dave’s Monday Blast – March 4, 2019

In 2009 a very interesting project broke ground at a site on the western shores of the Sea of Galilee between the modern day city of Tiberius and the historic region of Capernaum. The site was known to be the “home town” of Mary Magdalene; then and now called Magdala. A Catholic Friar desired to […]

Dave’s Monday Blast – February 25, 2019

Over the last two weeks we have been chatting about our Mission Mandate of Disciple Making based on the “Jesus Model” of kindness. Kindness is one of the virtues that define our God. Remember it is the kindness of God that leads to repentance (Romans 2:4). I wanted to share a few thoughts from Christian […]

Dave’s Monday Blast – February 18, 2019

Last week we were chatting about the virtue of kindness. The discussion was specific to our Kingdom Mandate found Matthew 28 – be a Disciple Maker! The rationale is simple; Kindness reflects the heart of God. We are created in God’s image to reflect His character to a lost and dying world. Kindness is a powerful evangelistic tool. Kindness attracts. […]

Dave’s Monday Blast – February 11, 2019

I recently returned from an incredible trip to Israel. As I was in the very places where the incarnate Christ demonstrated His divine nature I was reminded time and again of my personal Kingdom Mandate; bear His Image well and make disciples. As I considered this truth I concluded that the key to fulfilling this mandate in […]

Dave’s Monday Blast – February 4, 2019

Do you have, or have you ever had an Incomparable Companion? By that I mean someone with whom you desire to spend your time. To have a close, intimate companion is a great gift. Most of us don’t like being alone for extended periods of time. In fact, we are not designed to live in isolation. God […]

Dave’s Monday Blast – January 28, 2019

All of us routinely face trying circumstances that we want Him to remove or change. Perhaps as you are reading this today you are in the midst of one of those circumstances. It is hard to endure painful things even when you know that He is in control; even when you know He is working out a […]

Dave’s Monday Blast – January 21, 2019

Last week we chatted a bit about the consequences of compromise. The surrender to temptation, and providing Satan with a foothold in our lives is dangerous. The admonishment from the Lord is to follow His pattern of prevention articulated in Proverbs 2. I trust you spent some time working through the chapter over the week. Another […]

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