Dave’s Monday Blast – June 3, 2019

I know I am a week late specific to Memorial Day but I was out of town last Monday so I wanted to share the “guts” of an article by retired United States Air Force four-star general Roger Brady specific to this Day of Remembrance. At one time Brady had command and control over an […]

Dave’s Monday Blast – May 27, 2019

Last week we examined a passage from Luke 12:54 – 56 in which Jesus chastised His listeners for not being able to “discern the winds” of their times. Christ calls us to be interpreters of the present times. We must be able to recognize winds not rooted in the gospel…those that foster principles of the kingdoms of […]

Dave’s Monday Blast – May 20, 2019

Jesus said in (Luke 12), “When you see a cloud rising in the west, immediately you say, “It’s going to rain,’ and it does. And when the south wind blows, you say, ‘It’s going to be hot,’ and it is…You know how to interpret the appearance of the earth and the sky. How is it that […]

Dave’s Monday Blast – May 13, 2019

My mother passed away nearly twenty years ago.  She had suffered a series of heart attacks and strokes and was “sickly” twelve years prior to her passing. As a result, many memories of her have faded somewhat over the years. I must say however, I will never forget how consistently her character reflected our Savior. […]

Dave’s Monday Blast – May 6, 2019

We need a great deal of courage these days. I have a difficult time staying current with world events because much of what is reported is not exactly edifying or encouraging. INTENTIONAL men know that God is in control and so we soldier on, trusting in His promises, but in our humanity it can be discouraging. In Acts […]

Dave’s Monday Blast – April 29, 2019

SIGNIFICANCE. Mark 12:41 – 42 says a great deal about significance from God’s perspective. Jesus said the widow gave more than any other, even though she contributed the least. The reason…she gave out of her poverty, everyone else gave out of abundance. Here we note this vital fact: Our significance does not depend on our status. How God measures […]

Dave’s Monday Blast – April 22, 2019

MEN OF INTENTION Good Morning Men of Intention, Pastor/Author Jim Denison comments, “No one present in the Garden that night or at Calvary the next day saw Easter coming.” Perhaps they should have after living with Him for three years…but all they were able to do was view the events of that weekend as catastrophic. […]

Dave’s Monday Blast – April 15, 2019

Matthew 28:6 & 7 confirms what we KNOW to be true about our Christian Faith; after three days according to the Scriptures Hosea 6:2 …”Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here. He has risen.”  The Newsboys echoed the words of the Angel, “God’s not dead…He’s surely alive.” What do we do with this news? […]

Dave’s Monday Blast – April 8, 2019

On our recent trip to Israel we visited the tomb where the body of Jesus was placed after his crucifixion. (Actually there are two very plausible sites and we visited both).  Do you know what I observed in both tombs? Empty! The Resurrection of Jesus Christ was/is the defining moment in all of human history. Why? Because […]

Dave’s Monday Blast – March 31, 2019

One of my personal highlights of a recent trip to Israel was the Elah Valley. The valley of Elah is a triangle-shaped flat valley, located on the western edge of the Judah “low hills”. The Hebrew name, Elah, is named after the Terebinth (Pistacia Palastina) tree. (Yep I just copied that). This valley was an […]

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