Dave’s Monday Blast – August 12, 2019

For the past two weeks we have been discussing some principles or practices of a Seeking-God Lifestyle. The core practices that help us assess our obedience to Jesus’ command is in Matthew 6:33 to “Seek first the Kingdom of God.” That command is representative of the one thing that Jesus simply could not stop talking about…”The Kingdom of God.” From […]

Dave’s Monday Blast – August 5, 2019

Last week we were chatting about the Kingdom of God; it was the one thing that Jesus could not stop talking about! His first public comments concerned the Kingdom (Mark 1:15) and His last public comments before His ascension concerned the Kingdom (Acts 1:3).  We must take seriously His comments on this topic, especially in light of His admonition found […]

Dave’s Monday Blast – July 29, 2019

A fellow Alumni from Biola University, Jeremy Treat, recently published a book entitled Seek First. Jeremy embarked upon this project to ask and answer this simple question: Q. What was the one thing that Jesus could not stop talking about? A. The Kingdom of God! Our Savior spent more time on this topic than almost all others combined! Consider […]

Dave’s Monday Blast – July 22, 2019

Do you thrive on words of encouragement? Words of affirmation from family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, employers, etc, all help determine the “climate” of our days. The Apostle Paul made it clear that we should not let any “corrupting talk” spew forth from our mouths, but only such as is good for edification or encouragement (Ephesians […]

Dave’s Monday Blast – July 15, 2019

Last week we referenced the encounter recorded in Genesis 32 between Jacob and the “Mysterious Man”. The result of their all night struggle was a dislocated hip and permanent limp for Jacob. What is a limp? A limp is a scar that comes from daring to get into the ring with God. A limp is the spiritual, emotional, mental and even […]

Dave’s Monday Blast – July 8, 2019

MEN OF INTENTION Good Morning Men of Intention, I recently read an article entitled “The Benefit of Brokenness” by Dr. Steve Graves. Graves writes a weekly blog on leadership. In Genesis 32 we read the story of the confrontation between Jacob and a “Mysterious Man.” For two hours they wrestled without a clear winner until […]

Dave’s Monday Blast – July 1, 2019

Happy 4th of July! May God continue to Bless America. (2 Chronicles 7:14) Have you ever heard of “Therapeutic Reframing”? Defined: “Looking at a situation, thought, or feeling from another angle.” In other words, a crisis can be redefined as an opportunity. For example, Goliath threatened Israel’s army but helped launch David’s leadership. Stephen’s martyrdom […]

Dave’s Monday Blast – June 24, 2019

The author of the book of James admonishes followers of Christ to “Prove themselves to be doers of the Word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves” (James 1:22). However, to be a doer one must first listen well to instruction from God’s Word. Over the last two weeks we have been examining three types of listeners […]

Dave’s Monday Blast – June 17, 2019

“He who has ears, let him hear” (Matthew 13:43). How we listen to instruction from God’s Word is of utmost importance, and the author of the book of James points out several different kinds of listeners in his epistle. From last week: 1. The Deceived Listener – They assume that simply hearing the truths of […]

Dave’s Monday Blast – June 10, 2019

INTENTIONAL men of God would likely agree with this statement by Dr. Charles Stanley: “How we listen to instruction from God’s Word is of utmost importance when it comes to our spiritual growth.” It is easy to observe physical changes in human stature and development; however, spiritual growth may not be as obvious because it’s not […]

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