Dave’s Monday Blast – July 27, 2020

In times of fear and uncertainty, the best thing we can do is strengthen our faith with the reminder that God is with us. This is especially crucial for the times in which we're living. There is so much turmoil, anxiety, and pain. But the circumstances in our nation and world do not control our lives [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast July 20, 2020

What is our goal as INTENTIONAL men of God?  Essentially it is to be a part of a movement of culture-changing Christians. The verse that best defines the Men's Ministry at Auburn Grace Community comes from (1 Chronicles 12:32) "Of the Sons of Issachar, men who understood the times, with knowledge of what Israel should do...". In 1 Peter [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – July 13, 2020

When you give your heart to Christ, Christ gives His heart to you (2 Corinthians 5:17; Ezekiel 36:26). And you become a part of the tribe of the transplanted. That new heart gives you a new appreciation for life. You humbly acknowledge your responsibility to honor the donor. And the cellular memories that come with that transplanted [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – July 6, 2020

I read an article the other day by Pastor Mark Batterson entitled "The Tribe of the Transplanted." He shared an experience he had at the National Day of Prayer in Washington D.C. several years ago where the keynote speaker was Dr. Bill Frist. Prior to his tenure in the U.S. Senate, Dr. Frist performed more than 150 heart transplants [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – June 29, 2020

Proverbs 3: 5-6 clearly teaches us that we are to "trust in the Lord with ALL our hearts...and lean not on your own understanding...in ALL our ways we are to acknowledge Him...and He will make our paths straight" (show us the way to go and the best path to get there). Trusting in the Lord simply means we "lean into [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – June 22, 2020

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding" (Proverbs 3:5). INTENTIONAL men of God know that we must learn to be obedient to this "simple" command every moment of every day, if we are to walk with God as He intended. This famous passage from Proverbs contains 7 daily steps [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – June 15, 2020

At the end of this month, Pastor Phil will begin a summer sermon series based upon Colossians 2:7: "Having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed, and overflowing with gratitude." It is our challenge to our church community to embrace a Personal Growth [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – June 8, 2020

Interesting days in which we find ourselves. "Pandemic" aside, over the last couple weeks I have been attempting to process things that I can not relate to. I really do not know what it is like to experience racial discrimination. I have not, and do not face systemic poverty. My encounters with injustice pale in [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – June 1, 2020

Repair or replace? I am definitely a replace kind of guy...not because I want to be...but because I am not really handy. I tend to be a duct tape zip tie and JB Weld kind of guy; not a fix, just a band-aid. One thing I know that is not fixable no matter how "handy" [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – May 25, 2020

I read an article the other day entitled "Beware the protection of Pharaoh". The setting is Isaiah 30 and opens with the nation of Israel divided into the ten tribes of Israel in the north and the two tribes of Judah in the south. God's chosen people were surrounded by the two most powerful nations on earth; [...]
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