Dave’s Monday Blast – October 5, 2020

Pastor Mark Batterson shares a line from a sermon by Dr. Charles Crabtree  entitled "God's Grammar." Batterson comments, "I found one little line to be absolutely unforgettable: 'Never put a comma where God puts a period and never put a period where God puts a comma.'" When Jesus heard the news that Lazarus was sick, [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – September 28, 2020

Just wrapping up our discussion from the last two weeks about INTENTIONALLY "Living in the Presence of God." Last week we shared that King David and Jehoshaphat and the Prophet Isaiah and Nehemiah demonstrated that an intimate relationship with their Heavenly Father provided such powerful and personal connections, that it literally changed their lives. This week [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – September 21, 2020

Last week we began a discussion of how to thrive in challenging times! We were reminded from Joshua 1:9 that "The Lord God is with us wherever we go." This truth allows: 1. Our churches to thrive.  As the church thrives, communities thrive, marriages heal and the lost are found. 2. When churches thrive their people thrive, they become [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – September 14, 2020

Our nation is in trouble...morally, politically, racially and spiritually. Franklin Graham writes: "This is the most critical time for America that we have seen in our lifetime. Violence and rioting are devastating many of our cities, we are dealing with a myriad of health issues as a consequence of COVID, landmark cases have shifted our cultural [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – September 7, 2020

Over the last couple of weeks we have been focusing upon practicing the presence of God. Remaining in His presence equips us to Thrive in Challenging Times! Joshua 1:9 says: "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid (terrified); do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – August 31, 2020

The Presence of God is the most gracious gift God continues to give us as His children! Do you believe this my brothers? Moses writes a beautiful and powerful prayer in Numbers 6:25. "The Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you." (This phrase has been made popular by a new song called The Blessing.) Craig Denison [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – August 24, 2020

Back in July, J. I. Packer passed away at the age of ninety-three. Packer was without a doubt one of my favorite authors. He was a great theologian, professor and influential evangelical thinker. He is likely best known for his bestseller, Knowing God, which has sold more than one million copies. One of his first published works [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – August 17, 2020

Last week we began a discussion on the value of "waiting upon the Lord." INTENTIONAL men of God recognize that waiting upon the Lord is a sound Biblical principle; one that bears practical fruit. Waiting upon Him gives us courage so we can be strong (Psalm 27:14).  But God doesn't work by this world's standards. His timing and [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – August 10, 2020

What do we do when God says wait? Knowing biblical principles is essential for living the Christian life as God desires. Pastor Charles Stanley comments: "Perhaps the most important Biblical Principle to learn is to obey God and leave all the consequences to Him. And alongside it is another one that's very important...learn to wait upon [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – August 3, 2020

Last week we were reminded that the best thing we can do when experiencing anxiety is to remember that our God is with us. The circumstances of our lives, in our nation, and around the world are in the hands of our loving heavenly Father. As we focus on the promises of God found in [...]
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