Dave’s Monday Blast – December 14, 2020

I was thinking the other day about Mary, the mother of Jesus, and her unusual pregnancy. In spite of the personal and cultural challenges her specific pregnancy provided, with great courage and faith she chose to believe that the child within her body was the long awaited Messiah. She literally carried the "Good News" concerning the Messiah [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – December 7, 2020

Romans 12:10 - 21 was written during very dark days for followers of Jesus Christ. It was written to help believers navigate the anti-Christian waters of first century Rome. It provided a powerful recipe for Christian living. In many ways our days are just as dark as an anti-Christian sentiment grows. I would encourage you to read this [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – November 30, 2020

I pray you had a wonderful Thanksgiving event with family and friends! Thanksgiving is an odd holiday for secular Americans. When asked what Thanksgiving means to them personally, Americans rank "to be thankful" behind "to spend time with the family." Our families are tangible, and we enjoy sharing a generic feeling of gratitude with them. However, [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – November 23, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your families. Jesus certainly forewarned us in John 16:33 that, "In this world we WILL have troubles...but remember, I have overcome the world." In 1 Kings 19 we read the account of the Prophet Elijah on the run for his life. Queen Jezebel is after him for what happened in chapter 18. As a result, he ends [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – November 16, 2020

Is there an antidote, a vaccine to conquer fear? These days, everyone is experiencing moments of apprehension, if not outright fear. Denial or trying to hide from it will do no good. When fear arises, ask yourself the following questions: Where does fear come from? INTENTIONAL men know that it does not come from God (2 Timothy 1:7). Has God [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – November 9, 2020

God wants us to build one another up. The Holy Spirit reminds us in Ephesians 4:29 that we are called to encourage one another. The Lord didn't create the earth simply to be admired for its beauty. He created it to be the ideal habitat for the crowning glory of His creation...humankind. Pastor Charles Stanley writes: "When [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – November 2, 2020

Last week we began a discussion on the Challenge of Wavering Faith (considering James 1: 2 - 8). This week I want to examine causation factors of a wavering faith from Dr. Charles Stanley.   1. We choose to rely on our feelings rather than on the Word of God. If we shift our focus from the promises in His [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – October 26, 2020

Does your faith ever waiver? I imagine it does at times. I find that my faith can be challenged when God does not provide what I've requested in the time and manner that I determined to be best for the circumstance. This can be especially true when I am praying for something that I am [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – October 19, 2020

Children of God align their lives with Biblical Truth so that they are able to influence their culture. We are called to "Declare Biblical truth; exhort and rebuke with all authority" (Titus 2:15a). There are three verbs in this verse. All three are present tense imperatives, which simply means they are ongoing commands from the Lord [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – October 12, 2020

As we get ever closer to November 3:  Don't forget to VOTE! Be INTENTIONAL about voting a Biblical worldview that protects the sanctity of life, Biblical morality, the church of Jesus Christ and God's chosen people. Apply that standard to every candidate and proposition and then you have done your part, while trusting the Lord with the results (Daniel [...]
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