Dave’s Monday Blast – May 3, 2021

We were blessed to have Jim Jessup share during our Sunday morning service a couple weeks ago. Jim is the grandson of William Jessup from whom the University gets its name. He is also the son of Bryce Jessup who served as school President for twenty five years. I consider Jim a friend and partner in Christian [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – April 26, 2021

Many of you inquired about when our annual Men's Retreat will return after being canceled two years in a row. It appears that Woodleaf will continue to be unavailable for another year or so, but we have some good news: We have secured Zephyr Cove Conference Center at Lake Tahoe for the fall. Save the dates [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – April 19, 2021

"God established a testimony in Jacob and appointed a law in Israel, which He commanded our fathers to teach to their children, that the next generation might know them, the children yet unborn, and arise and tell them to their children, so that they should set their hope in God and not forget the works of God, [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – April 12, 2021

Off and on for over a year, we have been exploring the many ways that we can Fight Fear with Faith! Of course Scripture is filled with God's promises leading to victory over fear. For example: 2 Timothy 1:7  says: "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – April 5, 2021

I listened to a podcast recently by Pastor Andrew McCourt of Bayside Granite Bay. The essence of the message was simply this: "It's okay to have questions?" The discussion centered around a passage found in Luke 7:18-23. THE question comes from John the Baptist who was in prison awaiting the removal of his head. In what appears to be [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – March 29, 2021

I wanted to wrap up our little series on Leaving our Mark as Ambassadors for Christ with one more example of our Lord choosing two unlikely individuals to be His hands and feet. This account is found in the book of Philemon. Pastor Phil has been walking us through this incredible little book the past several weeks. (You [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – March 22, 2021

Christ Followers are Christ's Ambassadors. St. Teresa of Avila stated it this way: "Christ has no body now on earth but yours. No hands, no feet on earth but yours. Yours are the eyes through which He looks with compassion upon this world."  Bottom line...the only Jesus some people will ever encounter is you! I [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – March 15, 2021

In 2 Corinthians 5:20 the Apostle Paul declares that we are Ambassadors for Christ. God makes His appeal to humankind through us to be reconciled back to Him. Two weeks ago we used the Word to define the role of an Ambassador committed to bearing the Image of our Lord. Last week, we examined the first of [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – March 8, 2021

Last week we began a discussion on what it means to be an Ambassador for Christ. It is very encouraging to discover that our God chooses His Ambassadors from all walks of life; they come in all shapes and sizes. Scripture is filled with many examples of those who knowingly or unwittingly left their enduring mark for [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – March 1, 2021

Leaving Your Mark! Men of INTENTION clearly understand that every moment of every day matters for eternity. We must use our moments and days as His Ambassadors (2 Corinthians 5:20). Scripture is filled with compelling accounts of individuals who left their enduring mark for the Kingdom of God. Ambassadors come in all shapes and sizes as we will see over the [...]
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