Dave’s Monday Blast – June 12, 2023

Over the last two weeks we have been considering three questions that the Lord asks of us when we are out of relationship with Him because of our sin. The questions he asked of Adam in Genesis three (the initial act of sin by humankind) are the same questions He asks of us today. Questions one and two [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – June 5, 2023

Last week we gained some insight into the nature and character of God through an article from the denisonforum.org  centering on Genesis three and the fall of humankind into sin. The article focused on how sin dramatically changed our relationship with the Father. We noted that as a result of their disobedience they experienced for the first time [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – May 29, 2023

Recently, I read an article from the denisonforum.org entitled The God with Questions. The essence of the article was simply that our Heavenly Father reveals a great deal about his character, nature and how He displays compassion toward His children by asking specific questions of us. The author writes: "In Genesis 3, God, The king, was passing close by to Adam and [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – May 22, 2023

A couple weeks ago many gathered in our Worship Center for National Day of Prayer. Before we dove into our time of corporate prayer, Pastor John McIntosh encouraged us to spend a few moments in private conversation with the Lord. The goal of course, was to clear the path into His presence, so that we are [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – May 15, 2023

Three weeks ago Pastor Phil shared the account of the resurrected Christ unexpectedly joining two of His disciples on the Road to Emmaus. They were on their way home after spending the weekend in Jerusalem where they had celebrated Passover and attended Sabbath. It is an interesting account found only in Luke 24:13 - 35. They were discussing [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – May 8, 2023

I don't listen to the radio much anymore. It must be an age thing because I just don't appreciate most of the music, nor the talk shows, or the reception can be of poor quality. Every once in a while though I catch a bit of something that I really want to tune in with clarity. Discovering [...]

Sometimes Grandparents Talk Too Much!

Sometimes Grandparents Talk Too Much! I remember the words of a song in the 60’s by Joe Jones … “You talk too much you worry me to death, you talk too much you even worry my pet … you just ta-a-a-a-alk, talk too much!” … Ring a bell?    All of us know people who [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – May 1, 2023

Whether by daily circumstance or design, my day-to-day routine places the least of these in my field of view; the indigent community in Auburn is substantial. I was reflecting upon this community as my bride and I drove by the recently abandoned encampment just above Home Depot. These folks have been relocated several times over [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – April 24, 2023

As I read, study, and meditate upon the Word, I have discovered two very specific questions that I find most compelling; both concern our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The first is recorded in John 18:38 and involves His encounter with Pontius Pilate. Pilate is attempting to discover just who this Rabbi claims to be, and why He [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – April 17, 2023

Last week we ended our conversation with a word from Pastor Charles Stanley on Building Excellent Relationships.  In 1 Thessalonians 4:9 - 10 we learn that we are to Love one Another, and indeed we are to EXCEL at it! What does it really mean to love one another and how do we excel at doing so? In truth, we can only excel at loving one another [...]
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