Dave’s Monday Blast – October 21, 2024

Good Morning Men of Intention, In John 14:6 Jesus plainly states that He is the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE. Make no mistake, by using the definite article THE, Jesus was clear that there is NO OTHER way, truth or pathway to life. Fast forward to the end of Jesus' earthly ministry and we find Him appearing before Pontius Pilate (John 18:38) who questions the [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – October 14, 2024

The war being waged against Israel has surpassed one year. In that time since Hamas launched their offensive the IDF has all but eliminated their capacity to wage war. The ability of Hezbollah to be on the offensive has also been dramatically altered, and Iran itself has been ineffectual here-to-fore in their off-repeated mission to [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – October 7, 2024

Approximately ten days ago flooding of "near biblical proportions" occurred in Eastern Tennessee and North Carolina. Of course areas of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida are also suffering from the incredible damage left in the wake of Hurricane Helene. We feel very blessed to have been spared from any of the devastation where we live, but [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – September 30, 2024

Most would agree that we live in a dark world at a dark time in human history; however, we also live during a time in history when the greatest source of light available to humankind is readily available. Matthew 4:16 says: "The people dwelling in darkness have seen a great light, and for those dwelling in the [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – September 23, 2024

It is a sad commentary on the state of humankind that another attempt to murder President Trump has been met with so little concern by so many. Two months after the first attempt, we know next to nothing about the who, why, and how. If the powers that be have their way, the same will be true with [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – September 16, 2024

Before we jump into our continuing conversation from last week concerning the value of our Christian Community in general and Life Groups in particular, I wanted to encourage you to download the new Church App (if you have not done so already). With the app, you can stay current with all that is happening at AGCC this […]

Dave’s Monday Blast – September 9, 2024

It is a lovely day in Tennessee. I have been enjoying a cup of coffee and watching about a dozen hummingbirds that have discovered our front porch feeders. They are incredible creatures, playful, without fear of our presence, and were certainly designed to thrive within their community. As I was observing the antics of these […]

Dave’s Monday Blast – September 2, 2024

Happy Labor Day. I trust you will take advantage of this day and rest. Perhaps you are concluding a nice long weekend. In 1894 President Grover Cleveland signed into law a day to celebrate all those who work for a living. God created us to work, to cultivate "the garden" and when we do we [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – August 26, 2024

Last week we began a discussion on the importance of having an ever maturing Worldview based upon the Word of God. In these days in which we find ourselves, we know that the Lord's Return is imminent; we can not ignore the signs. As the Lord provides daily opportunities for us to provide comfort to [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – August 19, 2024

Good Morning from Decatur Tennessee. If you ever find yourself in this part of the country we would love to provide a little room and board. An Apologist is one who can articulate the following: 1. What they believe 2. Why they believe it 3. Can defend said belief within the Market Place of Ideas. Everyone develops [...]
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