Dave’s Monday Blast – February 19, 2024

Humility, the virtue that opens the door to our salvation and fits us for service. No one better exemplified what that really looks like better than our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Last week we shared the first of four attitudes that Jesus possessed as He walked humbly through His earthly ministry. As His followers, [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – February 12, 2024

Continuing from last week with our discussion of the virtue of humility; humility is a quality essential for our very salvation, and certainly required for living a life of service to our God who saved us, and to His church with whom we partner to advance the Kingdom of God. To this truth, Pastor Charles Stanley wrote: "Our [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – February 2, 2024

As I age, I have become increasingly introspective. When I lay my head down upon my pillow at night I am aware that another precious day has come and gone and I question my stewardship of the day. Today, the average American male lives to the age of 73. Doing the math: 73 X 365 = 26,645 [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – January 29, 2024

Last week we began to unpack a passage from Philippians 3. Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the Apostle Paul opens a window into his soul by sharing the one desire that superseded all others, i.e. to be willing to give up everything for Him (vv. 7 & 8), and by declaring the primary goal of his very life [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – January 22, 2024

I was reading a devotional the other day from the late Charles Stanley. He was breaking down a passage from Philippians 3 where the Apostle Paul is discussing legacy, mission, passion, purpose, and value (my words). Of course, as he defines these things for himself, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, he is teaching all of us to examine How [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – January 15, 2024

I want to wrap up a conversation we began two weeks ago concerning launching a new year with a firm commitment to maturation in Christ. We have been walking through the book of James in our Tuesday morning Men's study, and James informs his audience that the purpose of the trials we face in our lives are [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – January 8, 2024

Last week I shared the first of three resolutions I am committing to for 2024. I mentioned last week that I  find myself re-resolving these same three things because I still wrestle with consistently applying these practices to my daily walk. From last week: 1. Time spent with Him (Joshua 1:8 & 9) If you don't live for the Lord, [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – January 1, 2024

Well...here we are once again...launching into a new year. Of course we do not know what this next year holds for us but we certainly can be INTENTIONAL about our commitments. I don't know about you...but I certainly attempt to begin each and every day with a new commitment to look more like my Lord and Savior; [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – December 25, 2023

From my house to yours...I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Of course I prefer to spend the next one in Heaven with the Lord and all of you. Like many Christ-Followers, during this time of the year, I reflect upon the incredible courage and faith of a young Jewish girl [...]

Dave’s Monday Blast – December 18, 2023

Merry Christmas. He is indeed the Reason for the Season! In that Bethlehem stable the light appeared, but we have a real enemy trying to draw us back to the darkness at every turn. It is for this reason Jesus said in Luke 11:34, "Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eye is healthy, your whole [...]
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