Available Both Services!
Sunday Mornings
8:30 AM & 10:15 AM
Check-in for all ages begin in the courtyard 20 minutes before service. Our AG Kids greeters will help you get checked in and find your child’s classroom.
Let us know if it is your first time!
Join Us!
8 Weeks - 2 Years
Our Nursery ministry serves parents and children from 8 weeks through 2 years. This age group remains in their classroom for the entirety of the service where they will play, sing, and have a small snack.
Early Childhood
3 - 5 Years
Our Early Childhood ministry serves parents and children from ages 3-5 years. Children begin in their classrooms for play, fun, and bible time before joining the other Early Childhood classes in our Kid’s MPR for worship and our large group lesson. Afterwards they will return to their classroom for a snack where you will pick them up at the end of service.
1st - 6th Grade
Our Elementary ministry serves parents and children from 1st – 6th grade. Children get checked in and dropped off at their classrooms. They will then gather in the Kid’s MPR for worship and our large group lesson. Afterwards they will return to their classroom for activities, fun, and small group lessons where you will pick them up at the end of service.
AG Kids teach through GO! Curriculum. Each year we take kids chronologically through the Bible so they can know how each story fits together to tell the Big Bible Story of God’s love and redemption. Our lessons are designed to help kids apply their faith in everyday situations. More than that, GO! places God at the center of each story.
Learn more about GO! Curriculum on their website at www.gocurriculum.com.
We exist to partner with parents in raising the next generation of children to be fully rooted in their identity in Christ, to stand firm in their understanding of who God is, and to be confident in His grace through the teaching of the Word.
We care for the next generation of our congregation while teaching the grace of God through His word. If you love kids, love sharing God’s word, and love to have fun; this is the place for you! We have teams for Sunday Mornings and for Special Events too!