Dave’s Monday Blast – September 3, 2018
I hope you have this day off from your routine Monday labors and can make a wonderful memory with family and friends.
Whose way is most effective…yours or His? We all know the story of Moses and his initial efforts to free the children of Israel as found in Exodus 2:12. The truth is Moses learned about the dangers of self-reliance and the advantages of depending and waiting upon the Lord. Men are wired to control their circumstances and to “make things happen,” however; INTENTIONAL Christ-followers know that His way is always most effective.
When we choose to cooperate with God and submit to His way, He will do amazing things in and through us. Despite Moses’ past failure, the Lord still used him to accomplish His divine plan, but only after he became usable…that is, humbled and broken of self-will.
Charles Stanley asks us to consider what God achieved when Moses did it His way:
1. He showed what great things He could do through one yielded, dependent person .
2. He got more done in less time, and with fewer resources. There was no insurrection or long, drawn-out war…just a display of His power.
3. He proved the superiority of His way by freeing over two million people without the loss of a single Hebrew life.
4. He sent impoverished slaves out of bondage with their captives’ riches (Exodus 3:21-22).
5. He proved to both the Israelites and the Egyptians that He alone is the God of heaven and earth.
6. He received all the glory.
Our past failures never prevent God’s willingness or ability to use us. In fact, our weakness is a great opportunity for the display of His glory. In our own strength, we are totally ineffective. But when we submit to the Lord’s authority, we can experience His victory in whatever He calls us to do. That’s really good isn’t it!