Dave’s Monday Blast – August 29, 2016

Over the last two weeks we have been unpacking some valuable truths found in Romans Chapter 8. Within this chapter we see that Christianity is the only religious construction that provides a foundation for life that will not fracture or crack; one that will weather the inevitable storms of life! We are in the process of considering four essential truths:

The first two in review:

Truth # 1:  Because of Christ’s power and presence in my life, there is no condemnation! Romans 8:1 says that because we are IN CHRIST “There is now no more condemnation…”. Christ sets us free from the law that sin brings death (eternal separation from God).

Truth # 2: Because of Christ’s power and presence in my life, there are no limitations! Romans 8:11 reminds us of this powerful truth…the same Spirit that rose Jesus from the dead is living in you. That reality should change EVERYTHING! But it does “beg the question”, does it change ANYTHING for you on a day-to-day basis?

New for Today:

Truth # 3:  Because of Christ’s power and presence in my life, there is no intimidation! Your Christian life didn’t begin with you. It began with God. Romans 8:29 tells us about how God committed Himself to us: “For God has you in His hand. He knew you in the past, He has you in the present, and you belong to Him in the future. Pastor Ray says, “You’ll make mistakes. You’ll get discouraged. You’ll start to believe you’ll never be able to make your life better. You’ll feel you’ll never win your battles. But God chose you! He called you, predestined you, and saved you. No one is more committed to your growth as a Christian than God!” Knowing all that, life doesn’t seem so intimidating does it!


Truth # 4:  Because of Christ’s power and presence in my life, there is no separation!

Knowing what you know from the first three truths, ask yourself this question: what could ever separate me from God?

The answer? NOTHING. Romans 8:35-39 strongly affirms that no power in the material realm or in the spiritual realm can separate us from His unfailing, all consuming love.

There’s no trouble, no hardship, no persecution, and no danger that can separate us from God’s love. He’s always with us. The more you allow His presence and power into your life, the less room there is for fear, stress, and discouragement. There’s nothing that can take us out of God’s hand.

Paul ends this powerful message with one simple phrase from Romans 9:1, “I am telling you the truth…” My friends…thank the Lord this day for providing you with such a firm foundation. May you be encouraged this day to live INTENTIONALLY for Him.

About The Author

Dave Wickstrom has been the Administrative Pastor at Auburn Grace Community Church since 2012. Prior to that he worked for private Christian school education as a Teacher and Administrator for 30 years. He is married and has two children and one grandchild. He is passionate about connecting people to ministry, and encouraging believers to give their time and God given gifts to the advancement of His Kingdom.
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