Dave’s Monday Blast – December 14, 2015

For the last two weeks we have been discussing Spiritually Destructive Lies that we are guilty of telling ourselves as we attempt to cope with life’s circumstances. Here-to-fore we have considered that if you are to be the Man of Intention that God has designed you to be, and if you are going to the effective leader God called you to be, you must deal with these self-delusions.

To recap:

Lie 1 – I am OKAY just as I am. No self-examination is needed. We shy away from measuring ourselves against the Word of God. Remember, God is not interested in condemnation, but renovation.

Lie 2 – No one will EVER find out. Besides, it is my business what I do in private. In truth, what we do with our lives is God’s business; He created us for His purposes.

Lie 3 – No one will GET HURT. If there is a consequence only I need to “pay it”. Unfortunately, the ripple effect always goes beyond ourselves to others, and most importantly, God sees.

Lie 4 – That is just THE WAY I AM.  I cannot help it, nor can I change, so why try. This implies that God somehow made a mistake during the creative process. Gratefully, our God desires for us to be victorious over the sin that so easily entangles us.

Lie 5 – I can do that TOMORROW.  Tomorrow is the time for Bible study, for that new morning prayer routine, for the meeting with our pastor or Christian friend. Tomorrow is when we’ll tell our spouse the truth. Tomorrow is when I will be honest with God. But, and this is the truth, many times that “tomorrow” never comes. Even in the midst of how miserable some of our bad life choices make us, we just don’t like to make changes today. We look for a more opportune time when it won’t be so hard. That is why the Psalmist and writer of Hebrews make sure we get focused on today (Psalm 95; Hebrews 3).

Telling yourself that you’ll make a change tomorrow certainly makes you feel better about today’s failures, but it rarely ever changes us. We must remember that a lack of commitment to change today comes with a steep price (Hebrews 3:13). We don’t even know if we’ll have a tomorrow (James 4:14), but we do know we have a right now. And God is faithful in that right now (1 Corinthians 5:8 – 9).

Do not put off until tomorrow what can be done this day!

So my friends…are there any destructive lies you are telling yourself? I would encourage you to name them and declare your INTENTION this very day to stop deluding yourself and let the Lord provide you with clarity concerning any necessary renovation work.


About The Author

Dave Wickstrom has been the Administrative Pastor at Auburn Grace Community Church since 2012. Prior to that he worked for private Christian school education as a Teacher and Administrator for 30 years. He is married and has two children and one grandchild. He is passionate about connecting people to ministry, and encouraging believers to give their time and God given gifts to the advancement of His Kingdom.
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