Dave’s Monday Blast – September 23, 2024

It is a sad commentary on the state of humankind that another attempt to murder President Trump has been met with so little concern by so many. Two months after the first attempt, we know next to nothing about the who, why, and how. If the powers that be have their way, the same will be true with this latest effort and another attempt will be inevitable. Arriving at truth is something that is not of value to those who could help us arrive at it.

What we know to be true as followers of Jesus Christ is that we are in the midst of a huge spiritual battle. It is easy for folks on both sides of this cultural and political landscape to assign blame for the conditions in which we find ourselves. I am certain that you have noticed that both “sides” use the exact same language about the “other side”. This nation is divided and as Lincoln said in 1858 during another period of great division: “A house divided can not stand”. Regardless of his relationship with Christ, Lincoln was familiar with the Scriptures. He was likely using the words of Jesus found in Matthew 12:22-28. Jesus had confronted a demonic and healed many afflictions referencing this series of events as spiritual in nature.

As we have commented many times before in this blog, our adversary is not to be found among humankind, our sole adverary is Satan. INTENTIONAL men of God know that His mission is described by Jesus in John 10:10, as a commitment to “…steal, kill, and destroy”.  So we do not have to look very far to understand who, why, and how when attempting to understand the battle. We are wrestling with a powerful foe who is sensing the end of this dispensation (Ephesians 6:12) and he is rallying his troops from around the world.

So what do we do? We live in a dark world at a dark time in human history; however, we also live with the greatest source of light available to humankind in  history. Matthew 4:16 says “The people dwelling in darkness have seen a great light, and for those dwelling in the region and shadow of death, on them a light has dawned.” Pastor Jim Denison comments: “You and I now have the choice to fill our lives with the light of God. We’re delivered from a life marked by darkness and set free to fill ourselves with the things of God. There is a choice set before us. The light has come, but we have a real enemy trying to draw us back to the darkness at every turn. It is for this reason that Jesus said in Luke 11:34 ‘Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eye is Healthy…'” We must keep looking at the light if we want healthy eyes. I know it is easy to look at the darkness around us, but if we want to be spiritually healthy, and full of light, we must choose to keep our eyes on Jesus, not on the adversary nor his minions.

Next week I want to unpack Philippians 4:8 as an effectual tool to dispel the darkness from our everyday lives. In the meantime, look to the light for all of your needs.

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